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La ventana. Revista de estudios de género

Print version ISSN 1405-9436


GARRO LARRANAGA, Oihana. Aprender a mirar: la mujer como sujeto activo de la representación. La ventana [online]. 2011, vol.4, n.33, pp.302-320. ISSN 1405-9436.

The following article analyzes the current reality as a context filled with images which require careful and critical consideration. The dominant visual observation is a result of the political reality and therefore we conceive seeing as a seeing politically. In this context, we consider the need of thinking from a critical feminist point of view. Based on two fundamental texts, Visual pleasure and narrative cinema, by Laura Mulvey and Ways of seeing by Berger, we can approach two of the most significant criticisms of the stereotypes of women in the visual representation. Also, from the hypothesis of Berger, we analyze the possibility of representing a naked woman who, although being naked, shakes up the concept of women as objects for contemplation. To do that, it is necessary to bring down the idea of the victorious body and replace it by the abject-body.

Keywords : visual culture; subject-object of contemplation; des-aesthetic; body-abject; iconic knowledge.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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