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Problemas del desarrollo

Print version ISSN 0301-7036


CEPPI, Natalia. Argentine Energy Policy: Taking Stock of the Period 2003-2015. Prob. Des [online]. 2018, vol.49, n.192, pp.37-60. ISSN 0301-7036.

Energy policy, like any other public policy, requires the powers of the government to devise precise and coordinated provisions to efficiently manage a strategic sector. Every country adopts its own energy policy based on factors like resource endowment, macroeconomic policy, the regulatory framework, and its own vision of the relationship between the state and market in a given field, to name a few factors. This paper analyzes energy policy in twenty-first century Argentina, considering its most notable peculiarities, how it has changed and remained the same, and the principal challenges looming ahead.

Keywords : Energy policy; hydrocarbons; natural gas; renewable energy; production and consumption; economic development.

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