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vol.18 issue36Tipología del consumo de bienes culturales en Mexicali, B. C.1944 Water Treaty Between Mexico and the United States: Present Situation and Future Potential author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Frontera norte

On-line version ISSN 2594-0260Print version ISSN 0187-7372


SANCHEZ GAMBOA, José Manuel  and  BRACAMONTE SIERRA, Álvaro. Aglomeraciones industriales y desarrollo económico: El caso de Hermosillo, 1998. Frontera norte [online]. 2006, vol.18, n.36, pp.87-124. ISSN 2594-0260.

This essay shows a methodological proposal for conglomerates analysis. Conglomerates and value chains analysis are applied to the automotive sector located at Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. This industry shows an opportunity for regional development results for the Ford 3cd launch. Besides the article seeks a vision for the local industry and for the city in the previous years, in order to identify the reason that restrained the automovile cluster. The supporting data refers to the 1999 Mexico Economic Census, although for the discussion we used a more recent information.

Keywords : conglomerate; automotive sector; regional development; cluster; value chain.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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