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Estudios fronterizos

On-line version ISSN 2395-9134Print version ISSN 0187-6961


TAPIA LANDEROS, Alberto  and  GRIJALVA, Aidé. El imaginario colectivo kumiai y sus recursos naturales. Estud. front [online]. 2012, vol.13, n.25, pp.131-156. ISSN 2395-9134.

From the 29th of June to the 4 of July of 2009, along with researchers Everardo Garduño y Eva Caccavari Garza, we participated in the recollection of quantitative and qualitative data for the project "Sacred sites of the kumiai Indians", of the National Comission for the Development of the Indian People. Active members of this Indian community gave us qualitative information. In this paper we present some social representations that the kumiai indians made from its natural resources, correlating the quantitative data available from sciences like Biology and Geography with the qualitative information offered by the social actors interviewed.

Keywords : transboundary Kumiai Indians; subjective culture; environment.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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