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Terra Latinoamericana

On-line version ISSN 2395-8030Print version ISSN 0187-5779


HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, Ofelia Adriana et al. Plant and livestock waste compost compared with inorganic fertilizer: nutrient contribution to soil. Terra Latinoam [online]. 2017, vol.35, n.4, pp.321-328. ISSN 2395-8030.

The use of livestock and plant wastes, as sources of nutrients and organic material to the soil, is a viable alternative to chemical fertilizers, which eventually cause serious risks to agroecosystems. The present study was conducted in 2013 in a greenhouse at FACIATEC-UACH, Chihuahua, México. Four composts made with (a) cow manure, (b) hen manure, (c) sawdust and (d) maize stover were evaluated for their contribution of the soil macronutrients NO3 -, P=, K+, Ca++, Mg++ and Na+ and compared with urea as a synthetic fertilizer and a control without fertilizer. The experiment was based on a completely randomized design; statistical analysis included an analysis of variance using the statistical package SAS (Statistical Analysis System) version 9.3.1 and comparison of means with the Tukey procedure (a = 0.05). Results suggest that five of the compost treatments increased the concentration of NO3 -. Hen manure significantly outperformed cow manure in providing NO3 - and P=. Likewise, the sawdust-based compost significantly affected the content of NO3 -, outperforming the treatment based on maize stover. The concentration of Ca++ and Mg++ in soils resulting from the applied composts was lower than in the treatment with inorganic fertilizer, but that of Na+ was statistically higher than in the inorganic fertilizer treatment. This evidence suggests that the use of organic fertilizers, of either animal or plant origin, is a beneficial source of soil nutrients with high potential in sustainable agriculture.

Keywords : macronutrients; organic fertilizer; soil fertility.

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