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Perinatología y reproducción humana

On-line version ISSN 2524-1710Print version ISSN 0187-5337


DIAZ ROMERO, ROSA MARÍA; MENDOZA FLORES, MARIA EUGENIA  and  BELMONT PADILLA, JUAN. Validación de un instrumento para evaluar la adherencia terapéutica en diabéticas durante el embarazo. Perinatol. Reprod. Hum. [online]. 2004, vol.18, n.4, pp.217-224. ISSN 2524-1710.

Introduction: Therapeutic adherence (TA) in diabetes type 2 women were seen during pregnancy (DM2P), has proven to be a substantial element in decreasing maternal and perinatal morbi-mortality. At last were not exist specific instruments to value the AT in pregnancy diabetics. Objective: To develop and validate a specific instrument to measure therapeutic adherence in diabetes type 2 women were seen during pregnancy (DM2P). Material and Methods: A self administered instrument was designed to measure TA. It was submitted for review by multidisciplinary group of experts who assessed its logical and content validity to measure TA. The instrument was administered to 81 DM2P on two different days. Results: After depuration of items, the instrumen had 25 closed items grouped in 6 domains: a)The knowledge that the patient has about the therapeutic regimen, b) the regularity in the medication, c) adherence to nutrition, d) attitude for the medication, e) asistance at the appointments, and f) if requieres emergency attention for the disease. The global rating of the questionnaire had a Crobach's alpha of 0.9094. For the confiability evaluation we use variance analysis, and were not found statistical differences (F.005 p 0.946). For the validation we use the HbA 1c criterion like gold standar, founded that 40 (.77) of the patients with inadecuated adherence, have anormal contractions for this indicator (χ 2 = 4.239 p ≤ 0.3). Conclusions: The questionnaire has logical validity, content validity and good level of consistency.

Keywords : Adherence therapies; diabetes type 2; pregnancy.

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