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vol.37 issue106The Heirs of Cultural Capital: Class Reproduction Mechanisms in Buenos Aires Families of ProfessionalsYoung People Working in the Popular Economy in Mexico City’s Subway. An Analysis of Time Management and Social Inequalities author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Sociológica (México)

On-line version ISSN 2007-8358Print version ISSN 0187-0173


HAMUI SUTTON, Mery. Looking to the Future: Do University Students at Established Public and Private Mexican Institutions Aspire to Social Mobility. Sociológica (Méx.) [online]. 2022, vol.37, n.106, pp.79-112.  Epub Sep 01, 2023. ISSN 2007-8358.

The article focuses on the aspiration of subjective and relative social mobility of young people in their last year of Administration, Law and Engineering degrees from two consolidated universities in Mexico City, one public and the other private, distinguished by their sociocultural configuration. . Faced with the question: do Mexican university students from consolidated public and private universities aspire to social mobility? We compared their perception of family social class and their aspirations for social position in employment, economic and prestige, by gender and career. We found that they aspire to move subjectively and intergenerationally with differences between those who study at the public and private universities, because the configurations between variables play in different ways.

Keywords : aspiration; relative social mobility; university students; inequality; public and private university.

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