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vol.28 issue1A New Reading of one of the Earliest Christian Letters Outside the New Testament and the Dangers of Early Christian Communities in EgyptLinks between Greek Epigram and Late Antiquity Latin Epigram: some Probing author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Nova tellus

Print version ISSN 0185-3058


VENTURINI, Carlo. "Virtute adipisci civitatem" (Marginal note to the speech Pro L. Cornelio Balbo). Nova tellus [online]. 2010, vol.28, n.1, pp.161-177. ISSN 0185-3058.

Analysis of the ciceronian defense of L. Cornelius Balbus, with some new remarks about the matter of the process.

Keywords : Pro Balbo; virtutis causa.

        · abstract in Italian     · text in Italian     · Italian ( pdf )


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