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vol.18 issue50Potencial del uso de la primatología para interpretar la evidencia paleoantropológicaUna aproximación antropológica a la comprensión de la eficacia realizativa de prácticas propiciatorias entre católicos de sectores medios en el Distrito Federal, México author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Print version ISSN 0185-1659


OJEDA MARTINEZ, Rosa Icela. Etograma del aprendizaje social de una comunidad de monos araña libres en el sitio arqueológico de Calakmul: Implicaciones antropológicas. Cuicuilco [online]. 2011, vol.18, n.50, pp.95-116. ISSN 0185-1659.

Social learning is a complex cognitive phenomenon, related with learning's forms and knowledge transmition. To Anthropology this is an outstanding research subject, since the understanding of socio cognitive process used by non-human primates and other animals, could help us to know how evolved that complex capacities in our specie. How did it work and what role performed in hominine process and culture origins. This paper mostly focused in the social learning ways involved in the behavior and life of a wild Spider Monkey group living in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, in Campeche, México. As results I get a specific ethogram about conducts related to social learning process and a discussion about the importance of qualitative methods use in Primatology.

Keywords : social learning; ethogram; spider monkey; qualitative analysis; Calakmul.

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