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Salud Pública de México

Print version ISSN 0036-3634


ACERO-SANDOVAL, Arturo et al. Determination of insecticides’ lethal concentrations and metabolic enzyme levels in Triatoma dimidiata. Salud pública Méx [online]. 2020, vol.62, n.4, pp.402-409.  Epub May 16, 2022. ISSN 0036-3634.


The feasibility of the use of WHO impregnated paper and biochemical assays to determine lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC99) and insecticide metabolic enzyme levels of Triatoma dimidiata.

Materials and methods:

LC50 and LC99 were calculated with WHO papers impregnated at different concentrations of malathion, propoxur and deltamethrin; the percentage of insensitive acetylcholinesterase (iAChE); and the levels of esterases, glutathione S-transferases, and monooxygenases in laboratory nymphs of the first stage (5 to 7 days), were undertaken using the WHO biochemical assays.


Respectively the LC50 and LC99 µg/cm2 obtained for malathion were 43.83 and 114.38, propoxur 4.71 and 19.29, and deltamethrin 5.80 and 40.46. A 30% of the population had an iAChE, and only a few individuals had high P450 and β-eterase levels.


Impregnated papers and biochemical tests developed by WHO for other insects, proved to be feasible methods in monitoring insecticide resistance and metabolic enzymes involved in T. dimidiata.

Keywords : Triatoma dimidiata; lethal concentrations; acetylcholinesterase; cytochromes P450; esterases; glutathione S-transferase.

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