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vol.52 suppl.3Spherically-symmetric mass accretion onto logatropic protostarsEl lenguaje y algunas tendencias en investigación en educación de la física author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Revista mexicana de física

Print version ISSN 0035-001X


FERRIN, I; LEAL, C  and  HERNANDEZ, J. Búsqueda general con la cámara mosaico CCD del telescopio Schmidt de 1m del Observatorio Nacional de Venezuela. Rev. mex. fis. [online]. 2006, vol.52, suppl.3, pp.9-11. ISSN 0035-001X.

In the present work we report the result of our search and follow up program of several types of astronomical objects: variable stars, supernovas, and moving objects inside the solar system. We used the 1 m Schmidt telescope of the National Observatory of Venezuela which has attached a Mosaic CCD Camera of 67 Megapixels, in an array of 4 x 4 CCDs, each of 2048 x 2048 pixels. Up to now we have detected 372 variable stars, one of which has been identified as a radio source, and the rest are very probably flare stars of very short period. Inside the solar system we have found TNOs (trans-neptunian objects), NEAs (near earth asteroids), comets and asteroids of the main belt. We have written a software program to detect authomatically moving objects, to optimize the data processing. The camera has demonstrated its great observational possibilities, being its most representative discoveries 12 new asteroids, 372 variblestars, and the TNO 38628 Huya.

Keywords : Solar System; TNOs; CCD camera.

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