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Gaceta médica de México

On-line version ISSN 2696-1288Print version ISSN 0016-3813


MORENO-DEL CASTILLO, María Cristina; VALLADARES-GARCIA, Jorge; HERNANDEZ-BUEN ABAD, Javier José  and  HALABE-CHEREM, José. Valoración preoperatoria en cirugía no cardiaca: un abordaje por pasos. Gac. Méd. Méx [online]. 2019, vol.155, n.3, 15.  Epub July 01, 2021. ISSN 2696-1288.

Preoperative assessment in non-cardiac surgery is essential to reducing the rate of in-hospital complications. Its purpose is to identify patients with higher levels of risk. Preoperative assessment should not be restricted to cardiovascular aspects, but it should focus on all organs and systems and include medication reconciliation. The purpose of this article is to approach the performance of a preoperative assessment in non-cardiac surgery from the perspective of the internist, with the purpose to help prevent adverse events and improve the overall outcome.

Keywords : Preoperative assessment; Surgical risk; Cardiovascular risk; Non-cardiac surgery; Internal medicine.

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