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Computación y Sistemas

On-line version ISSN 2007-9737Print version ISSN 1405-5546

Comp. y Sist. vol.26 n.4 Ciudad de México Oct./Dec. 2022  Epub Mar 17, 2023 


Application of Auditory Filter-Banks in Polyphonic Music Transcription

Omar Velázquez López1 

José Luis Oropeza Rodríguez1  * 

Sergio Suárez Guerra1 

1Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Centro de Investigación en Computación, Laboratorio de Procesamiento Digital de Señales, Mexico.,


In this paper we present a frame-level transcription system for polyphonic piano music by using nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) technique based on Fourier spectrogram as the representation of the musical signal and enhanced by application of an auditory filter-bank based on a new cochlear frequency-position equation, which was developed solving a biomechanical cochlea model without the need of physiological or psychoacoustic experiments. It is important to mention that in our days in music transcription task, a set of auditory bank filters have been used and this paper is focused precisely in this search field. Evaluation using a set of polyphonic piano pieces is performed against the system itself when it does not use filtered spectrograms and also against another system in the state-of-the-art, in both cases it is showed that the proposed method in this paper achieves an increment in precision measure.

Keywords: Automatic music transcription; auditory filter-bank; nonnegative matrix factorization

1 Introduction

Automatic Music Transcription (AMT) consists of the challenging task in signal processing and artificial intelligence fields that seeks to emulate capability human to perceive the music. It comprises two main subtasks: Multiple Pitch Estimation (MPE) and Onset Detection.

AMT can be organized into four categories depending on the level of abstraction and the structures modeled frame level, note level, stream level, and notation level.

A frame-level transcription system estimates the number and pitch of notes that that coincide in the same frame.

This system does not consider the concept of musical notes or structures [1]. On the other hand, the way humans perceive music is related to their ability to identify signals coming from multiple separate sources.

A transcriber system performs a similar function by detecting notes from each individual source, classifying and grouping them into structures called dictionaries. To perform the above, in the state of the art we can find works that have developed and used machine learning algorithms; among them the nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) method [2], able of decomposing an input spectrogram as a parts-based representation of sources or notes [3, 4].

Furthermore, cochlear models show the underlying physical processes involved in the auditory perception and have been used in audio applications [5].

In the literature, different methods have been developed for obtaining cochlear functions; in [6] a frequency-position function was found by critical bandwidths experiments while in [7] another function was obtained by an analysis of mechanical resonance. In this paper, we present a frame-level transcription system that estimates multi-pitch and onset time of piano notes by using NMF. Firstly, we developed a new cochlear function solving a biomechanical cochlea model and used it for designing auditory filter-banks.

Secondly, we applied NMF algorithm using filtered spectrograms as input and representation of the musical signal. Through the experiments, we show that the proposed system improves the estimation performance further over unmodified spectrograms. Finally, we show all results mentioned before.

2 Auditory Model Analysis

2.1 Cochlear Model and Function Solution

In order to obtain an accurate cochlear frequency-position function, we analyzed a mathematical model of cochlear biomechanics, which is divided into the macro-mechanics and micro-mechanics systems [8].

In the macro-mechanics system, cochlea represents a fluid-filled box, which is separated into upper and lower halves by a flexible partition, while in the micromechanical one it is modeled as a two degrees-of-freedom system, illustrated in figure 1.

Fig. 1 Block diagram of the micromechanical model of Neely 

The previous model was adapted, from representing a cat cochlea to representing a human cochlea [9]. Besides Perdigao [10] made an electrical-mechanical system equivalence, where the pressure for each point 𝑘 is defined as following:

P(k)=P(k1)(1zser(k)zeq(k)). (1)

This allowed us to calculate the pressure in the basilar membrane for 0 < x < 4 with 251 points, where each stimulus frequency value corresponding to a x-value, obtaining the graph in figure 2.

Fig. 2 Frequency as a function of the position along the cochlea 

Given the behavior of the curve in figure 2, we used a non-linear regression method that allows finding a function that approximates the curve data, considering the exponential function (2):

f=aebx. (2)

where f is the frequency and x the position along of the cochlea, and a and b parameters were estimated by least-squares method.

Then, the functions (3) and (4) were obtained:

f(x)=3.695×104e1.485x, (3)

x(f)=7.0824lnf. (4)

Then, we compare these functions behavior with [6] and [7].

The graph obtained from the function (3) is shown in figure 3.

Fig. 3 Frequency as a function of position along the cochlea (a) function (3) in red (b) function [6] in blue (c) function [7] in black: 

2.2 Auditory Filter-Bank

The gamma-tone filter is a well-known model, inspired by human auditory system behavior based in auditory “channels”.

The filter widths are normally measured with critical band values and although it is possible to vary them [11], we only focus our attention on the frequency spacing between the channels.

A criterion to allocate frequency spacing between the channels consist of to specify the highest and lowest frequencies along with the desired number of channels and so calculate a set of frequencies uniformly on the equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB) scale [12], where lowest frequency depends on the application and the highest value corresponds to half the sampling frequency.

We instead applied the functions (3) and (4) to calculate the center frequency of each channel at the same range and normalized them to constant energy of 1. Results are showed in figure 4.

Fig. 4 Bank of twelve auditory filters 

3 NMF Model and Signal Filtering

3.1 NMF Model

NMF is a popular and used technique in AMT, whose goal is to factorize a nonnegative matrix 0M×N, a time–frequency representation with M as the feature dimensionality and N as the number of elements or frames along the time axis, into two other nonnegative matrices W0M×R and H0R×N, both called dictionary and activation matrix, respectively.

The rank R of the approximation is an important parameter that needs to be specified beforehand, we fix its value depending on the number of pitches in the piece musical.

We applied the version of NMF described and implemented in the toolbox of [13].

Columns of W are labelled and initialized with spectra of synthetized isolated piano notes.

3.2 Processing. Signal Filtering

We used the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) to compute the spectrogram of the musical signal, using Hanning window with a 50%, discarding the mirror spectrum (2049 samples per frame). Then we take its module as the non-negative matrix V.

The V spectrogram is passed through the filter-bank explained on section 2.2. We assume that the modified spectrogram contains the main harmonics of note. Figure 6 and 7 shows the analysis over E2 piano note.

Fig. 5 Fourier spectrogram of E2 piano note 

Fig. 6 Auditory filter-bank applied on Fourier spectrogram of E2 piano note 

Fig. 7 Comparison between original Fourier spectrogram and filtered spectrogram of E2 piano note 

4 Postprocessing

Factors W and H represent pitched elements and their temporal activity, respectively.

Each label of W represents the note spectrum and rows of H are associated with each one, describing their onsets and offsets.

We looked the optimal detection threshold to get the best performance over the test database. Thus, after different experiments we fixed empirically a threshold of a constant value (1×104) on H lines and obtain a note event described by its pitch, onset, and duration.

The product of this step is a frame-level transcription able to be compared to a MIDI file to that serves as the ground truth.

5 Experiments

5.1 Mono and Polyphonic Music Tests

In order to verify an appropriate separation of components and understand the operation of NMF for analyzing alone and simultaneous activity of pitches in music, two preliminary tests were performed.

First test consisted of an analysis over individual notes played. An example of major scale based on C in the 4th octave of piano was created and synthetized to audio using a music software [14].

This scale consists of the pitches C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, A4, and B4, shown in figure 10.

Fig. 8 Diagram for the proposed polyphonic transcription system 

Fig. 9 NMF decomposition of the analysis of Figure 10 

Fig. 10 Example of a major scale in the 4th octave of piano 

The example was analyzed by NMF, results are shown in figure 9, left graphs represent the frequency content while the ones on the right show temporal occurrences.

The second test was performed over a polyphonic example of execution of four chords in the same octave piano, shown in figure 11.

Fig. 11 Example of four piano chords. 

Fig. 12 NMF decomposition of the analysis of Figure 11 

Each chord C major (C, E, G), D minor (D, F, A), E minor (E, G, B) and F major (F, A, C) was played consecutively.

Although the software used to generate synthetic sounds makes notes of strictly identical pitch and therefore, a rather ideal situation, these test aids to understand operation of the NMF technique, demonstrating that the algorithm is useful in describing activity of each pitch.

Because of the maximum number of notes to recognize for both tests are seven, the number of components in algorithm was set to R = 7.

5.2 Main Experiment

We evaluate the performance of the proposed system using a set of thirty polyphonic classical pieces in MIDI format included in [15] and synthetized to audio (WAVE format) by same software used in 7.1.

We use the whole piece in all cases, MIDI files served as the ground truth and allowed comparison with the performed transcription.

The number of components was set to R = 60, including the notes within the range from the second to the sixth octave of piano.

We worked with the unmodified and filtered STFT spectrogram. Experiments with the different number of filters inside of the auditory filter-bank implementation were performed.

6 Results

6.1 Evaluation Criteria

MIREX [16] criteria for frame-based evaluation in MPE task states to compare and report the transcribed output and the MIDI ground-truth frame by frame using a 10 msec.

Three metrics evaluated in each frame are precision, recall and accuracy. Precision measure is the value of TPTP+FP, recall measure corresponds to TPTP+FN, and overall accuracy is defined by TPTP+FP+FN. Where a true positive (TP) is the number of correctly detected pitches, false positive (FP) is the number of wrong pitches detected and false negative (FN) the number of missing pitches.

6.2 Performance Results

Table 1 shows the average transcription performance over the polyphonic dataset applying 8, 12 and none filters to input spectrogram of the NMF model. Although both recall and accuracy of unmodified spectrogram got over the proposed system, we achieved a better precision average using the proposed auditory filter-bank.

Table 1 Frame-based evaluation of system applying 8, 12 and none filters 

of filters
None 86.09 26.92 25.49
8 86.59 24.96 23.69
12 86.05 24.37 23.07

The results show that a spectrogram modified with eight filters gives the best precision value, thus this is the proposed system in this paper.

After we evaluated the performance of the proposed system against another system in the state-of-the-art, SONIC [17], using the same polyphonic dataset. Table 2 shows results for this evaluation. Considering that SONIC achieved solid results at the 12th running MIREX in 2016 on the evaluation of Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation & Tracking task and that it is currently available because of the executable file for testing is provided by the author [18], it is a suitable reference of comparison for this work.

Table 2 Frame-based evaluation of proposed system vs state of art 

Proposed system 86.59 24.96 23.69
SONIC system 85.30 66.68 59.30

Transcriptions of the pieces performed by proposed system, even when they are complex, reach an adequate rate of precision. Typical errors presented during evaluation include note detection errors wrong pitches (depending on the threshold value), difficulty recognizing low-pitched notes, and missing notes in chords of various notes. [4] explains that these same tendencies are present when they analyzed synthetic or real sounds, so a similar performance could be expected in those cases.

Last results in Table 2 show that proposed system achieving a better precision average again. However, in that case, recall and accuracy measures remain much lower. To improve them, a more sophisticated method could be investigated in future.

7 Conclusion and Future Work

We have presented a new approach for designing an auditory filter-bank and applied it in the problem of automatic transcription of polyphonic music. We implemented a NMF toolbox, using a spectrogram filtered and decomposed the audio content of the input music file in factors W and H. After the postprocessing stage gives a frame level transcription and we evaluate its performance.

Although comparison between performance of the system when a filtered or non-filtered spectrogram is used does not highlight a clear superiority of one of them upon the other, evaluation results in precision show that the proposed approach is viable.

Then we use this system vs another one in the state art, achieving similar results.

The work can be improved in four aspects. First, within the set of transcribed pieces, there are some that include notes outside the R range.

Therefore, expanding the R range to the eighty-eight notes of the piano may help improve the performance of the system. Second, even with the application of filters to the time-frequency representation of musical signal, this aspect may improve if Fourier spectrogram is substituted by a representation that avoid its well-known effect of resolution trade-off.

Third, a more sophisticated and finely tuned method should be developed in future for improving the performance in recall and accuracy metrics. Last but not least, although our algorithm creates a basic music sheet from the information of frame-level transcription, a specialized method that comprehend the music structure, say, a note-level transcription, could be developed in future work.


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Received: February 12, 2022; Accepted: May 26, 2022

* Corresponding author: José Luis Oropeza Rodríguez, e-mail:

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