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Cultura y representaciones sociales

On-line version ISSN 2007-8110


MARTINEZ SIERRA, Pedro Daniel. Insights on the professional activity of social workers: help, socio-economic assignment and empathy. Cultura representaciones soc [online]. 2021, vol.15, n.30, 00007.  Epub Feb 13, 2023. ISSN 2007-8110.

This article stems from a doctoral thesis, the objective of which was to analyze the social representations of doctors around the professional practices of social workers. For its development, the perspective of Serge Moscovici’s social representations was retaken. In methodological terms, the study adhered to the qualitatively oriented sociogenetic approach; Accordingly, the techniques and instruments for the recovery of empirical data were: questionnaire, free association exercise and interview, aimed at base doctors and residents of specialties such as internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, oncology, intensive therapy and pathology of the “General Hospital of Mexico”. The findings were organized in the three dimensions of social representations: field of representation, attitude and information, which showed that in the social representation of doctors, the social worker appears as a staff with administrative functions that help people with socio-economic problems through the management of social services.

Keywords : professional practices; social representations; doctors; social workers; health field.

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