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Enfermería universitaria

On-line version ISSN 2395-8421Print version ISSN 1665-7063


CRUZ-CARTAS, O. et al. Use of Tai Chi for the health of the elderly: A bibliographic review. Enferm. univ [online]. 2021, vol.18, n.2, pp.101-111.  Epub May 16, 2022. ISSN 2395-8421.


The population of older adults is increasing and an emergent need to implement strategies aimed at recovering or maintaining their health is observed. In this sense, techniques such as Tai Chi could contribute because they have demonstrated bringing diverse benefits for those who practice them, including improvements in the concentration, memory, gait, and equilibrium, a reduction in the risk of falls, a strengthening of the cardiovascular system, and a reduction of stress and depression, among other benefits.


To analyze the scientific evidence on the use of Tai Chi as a health promoter and preserver among older adults.


This bibliographic review was conducted during 2013-2019 on the Pubmed, Dialnet, SciELO, LILACS, ScienceDirect and Academic Google databases. The keywords used were Tai Chi Chuan, Tai Ji Quan, and Tai Chi. After filtering through the eligibility criteria, 29 articles were selected for the review.


An important percentage of the articles were focused on the attention to physical symptoms which impair the mobility of older adults; nevertheless, some studies addressed psychological issues such as stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, depression, and anger-tension, as well. In these studies, the practice of Tai Chi was associated with health improvements among older adults.


Tai Chi is an alternative therapy to promote and maintain health among older adults. This technique is easy to learn, and its practice is not expensive. No adverse reactions during or after the practice of this technique were reported in the studies of this literature review. Therefore, the nursing professional can recommend Tai Chi practice to be implemented as a complementary healthcare measure for older adults.

Keywords : Tai Chi; tai ji; exercise therapy/methods; health; elderly; aged; Mexico.

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