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Revista mexicana de fitopatología

On-line version ISSN 2007-8080Print version ISSN 0185-3309


COUOH-DZUL, Osvaldo Jhosimar; CARREON-ANGUIANO, Karla Gisel; MORENO-VALENZUELA, Oscar A.  and  CANTO-CANCHE, Blondy. Considerations about interference RNA for the control of fungal diseases in Mexican and Latin American agriculture. Rev. mex. fitopatol [online]. 2023, vol.41, n.3, pp.479-513.  Epub Oct 13, 2023. ISSN 2007-8080.

The control of phytopathogens is key for food security. In the last decade, the use of interference RNA (iRNA) has been proposed as a technological tool for controlling diseases and pests in agriculture. Although different approaches have been described, such as the use of “Host-Induce Gene Silencing” (HIGS) and “Virus-Induce Gene Silencing” (VIGS), more recently a non-transgenic and environmentally friendly approach has emerged, called “Spray -Induce Gene Silencing” (SIGS), which uses double-stranded “naked” RNA (dsRNA). This review discusses recent reports on the use of dsRNA, especially SIGS, to control phytopathogenic fungi; emphasizing factors such as efficacy, safety in terms of human health and its stability in the environment. It also focuses on important phytosanitary problems in Mexico and Latin America that can be addressed with SIGS. This review concludes that SIGS technology has real potential to be used to control phytopathogenic fungi on plants in the field and on postharvest fruits. At the end, the critical tasks and the lines of research that must be carried out to promote the SIGS to make it a reality are considered.

Keywords : Gene silencing; dsRNA; SIGS; plant pathogens.

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