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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina (México)

On-line version ISSN 2448-4865Print version ISSN 0026-1742


MORELOS RAMIREZ, Rubén et al. Healthcare providers and the risk of acquired infectious diseases. Standard and biosafety precautions. Rev. Fac. Med. (Méx.) [online]. 2014, vol.57, n.4, pp.34-42. ISSN 2448-4865.

Healthcare providers (doctors, nurses, paramedics, laboratory technicians, surgeons, etc.) are at risk of accidentally acquiring an infectious disease as a consequence of their everyday activities. Preventive measures or standard biosafety precautions for each one of the activities to perform are required; therefore, health providers must know and have the appropriate training to prevent these infections. For instance, the use of gloves, surgical masks, masks, laboratory coat, as well as the correct disposal of trained to Contact with patients, biological fluids and the culture or isolation of infectious microorganisms during laboratory work are factors increasing that risk. To reduce the risk of acquiring an infectious disease, it requires the application of preventive measures or appropriate biosecurity standard precautions for each of the activities to be performed, so the health worker must know and have the necessary training to prevent these infections in this sense the use of gloves, masks, gown, and the correct management of the Biological-infectious Hazardous Waste (BIHW) are of primary importance in daily work. In addition, hand-washing, frequent change of the coat or any other hospital clothes is very important to prevent hospital-acquired infections. Finally, it is important to consider that the workload and occupational stress are additional factors that increase the chances of work mistakes or accidents causing healthcare personnel acquire infections.

The aim of this paper is to present a profile of risk factors to which the health worker is exposed during his/her daily activities and contribute to the dissemination and disclosure of the correct application of the universal biosafety precautions in order to decrease the risk of acquiring an infectious disease.

Keywords : Biological-infectious hazardous waste; biosafety; risk; healthcare provider.

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