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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo

Print version ISSN 1870-5472


MERCADO ESCAMILLA, Fidelia et al. Factors that influence the adoption of innovations by orange producers in Álamo, Veracruz. agric. soc. desarro [online]. 2019, vol.16, n.2, pp.183-198.  Epub Feb 25, 2020. ISSN 1870-5472.

In Veracruz, the yields per surface unit have been practically stable for more than 34 years and when the factors that influence this were determined, it was found that a deficient adoption of innovations is the most important issue. With the aim of improving this adoption, an initial baseline survey was applied to 100 citrus producers from ten localities. Later, integral extension work was provided for one year through the use of monitoring logbooks and at the end, the final baseline survey was applied. An increase of 30.5 % in average was attained in the adoption of technological innovations, since fertilization and control of pests and diseases were improved. To determine the factors that influence the adoption of innovations, simple regression models were generated, using as dependent variable the increase in the innovation adoption index and as independent variables the specific attributes of the producer and his production units. The factor that had significant correlation with the innovation adoption index was the income of the producer. Factors such as age, years of experience and schooling did not influence decision making for the adoption of technologies.

Keywords : adoption of innovations; technology transference; income.

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