ISSN 2683-2828
versión impresa

ISSN 2954-3835
versión On-line

Instructions for authors



Guidelines for presenting manuscripts

Instructions for authors

All submissions should be made on line at the Journal’s site. New users must first create an account. Once logged in, submission should be made via the Author Center. or If you experience any problem with your submission, please contact the editors at Submitted manuscripts should not be under review in any other journal. Moreover, all submissions must include full disclosure of all relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest. If there are no conflicts of interest, authors should state that there are none.
Accepted papers will be owned by the Journal and may not be published (either whole or partial) elsewhere without written permission of the publisher.


Check when each section has been duly completed in accordance with specified. Papers will not be accepted for a review if they do not include any (s) of the points previously mentioned.

General aspects

(   ) Articles must be submitted electronically. or

(   )  Manuscripts should be written in American English.

(   )  The item must be written with a minimum font size 10 double space (28 x 21 cm), with margins of 2.5 cm on each side. The words in another language must be submitted Italicized. Avoid the use of «he, she, they,  we» could be exchanged for nouns (doctor (s), patient (s), client (s), whenever possible, to seek gender neutrality.

(   )  The text should be presented as follows: 1) page title, 2) abstracts and key words, 3) introduction, 4) materials/patients and methods; 5) results, 6) discussion, 7) conclusions, 8) acknowledgments, 9) references, 10) appendices, 11) text boxes, 12) figure captions. Each section will begin in different sheet. The format can be altered in review articles, clinical case, corners of science, if considered necessary.

(   )  All authors should have made intellectual participation in the manuscript (conception or design of the work, taking responsibility for the data acquisition and analysis, and conclusions). Authors should revise the CRediT 'Contributor Roles Taxonomy' to detail authors' contributions (

(   ) Send a description of the roles of each author through the Author Center Web.
Considering the type of article to publish (original research articles, clinical and preclinical, multicenter studies, epidemiological papers, review topics), the number of authors depends on the type of study, topic complexity, number of participating centers and sample size.

(   )  No more than five authors in corners of science.

(   )  List the name, address, telephone number and e-mail of three suggested reviewers who are not members of your workgroup, so they can be considered as potential peerevaluation candidates.


Title page

(   )  Includes: a) title with a maximum of 15 words, b) name(s) of the authors in the order in which will be published; if the paternal and maternal surnames are recorded, linked them with a hyphen, c) degrees of the authors, d) affiliations and institution(s) where was the work performed, e) complete address, telephone, fax and e-mail address of the corresponding author.


(   )  Both in English and Spanish; with a maximum of 250 words. Structured according to the order of information in the text: 1) Introduction, 2) objectives, 3) material and methods, 4) results and 5) conclusions.

(   )  3-5 Key words.


(   )  Divided into subtitles that facilitate the reading: 1) introduction, 2) objectives, 3) material and methods, 4) results, 5) discussion, 6) conclusions.

(   ) The names, initials or numbers of the patients studied record should be omitted.

(   ) Abbreviations are accepted, but must be preceded for what they mean the first time that they are cited, according to the international units of measurement.

(   ) Medicines, drugs and chemicals should be called by its generic name, dosage and route of administration, indicating the international nomenclature.

(   )  The statistical methods used should be described at the end of the material and methods section.


(   ) Acknowledgements should be considerate to scientific assistance, contributors to the acquisition of funding, figures or illustrations acquisition, general supervision, writing assistance, technical editing, administrative support, language editing, or proofreading.

(   ) The acknowledgments and details on supports, drug (s) and team (s) provided (s) should be cited before the references.


(   )  Vancouver style citation is required. (https:// vancouver).

(   )  Identified in the text with Arabic numbers and superindex in progressive order of appearance.

(   )  Personal communications and unpublished data will be cited unnumbered in a footnote.

Examples of journal articles:

Ohlsson J, Wranne B. Noninvasive assessment of valve area in aortic stenosis patients with. J Am Coll Cardiol 1986; 7: 501-508.

        Six or more authors

 San-Luis R, Munayer J, Aldana T, et al. Venous connection total anomalous pulmonary. Five years of experience. Rev Mex Cardiol 1995; 6: 109-16.


 Myerowitz PD. Heart transplantation. New York: Futura Publishing; 1987: 20-31.

        Book chapters

 Hardesty R, Griffi th B. Combined heart-lung trans plantation. In: Myerowitz PD. Heart transplantation. New York: Futura Publishing; 1987: 125-140.


(   )  None.

(   )  Yes.
Quantity (with letters): _________________

(   )  The authors declare that all tables in the manuscript are entirely original and do not require reprint permission.

(   )  The information provided is not repeated in the text or in Figures. Maximum allowed is the 50 percent plus one of the text sheet.

(   )  They are headed by the title and marked progressively with Arabic numbers according to their appearance in the text.

(   )  The title of each table alone explains its contents and allows correlate with limited text.

(   ) Allowed formats: PDF, JPG, DOC or XLS. The file must be larger than 7 Kb and less than 4.2 Mb.


(   )  None.

(   )  Yes.
Quantity (with letters): _________________

(   )  The authors declare that all illustrations and figures in the manuscript are entirely original and do not require reprint permission.

(   )  Are considered as photographs, drawings, graphics and schemes. The drawings must be designed by professionals. Maximum allowed is the 50 percent plus one of the text sheet.

(   )  The information provided is not repeated in the text or tables.

(   )  Are identified progressively with Arabic numbers according to the order of appearance in the text, remember that the counting includes the fotographs, drawings, graphs and diagrams.

(   )  Separately attached in formats: PDF, JPG, DOC or XLS. The file must be larger than 7 Kb and less than 4.2 Mb.

The titles and explanations are presented separately

(   )  Photographs that enables the people´s identification are accompanied by consent letters.

(   )  Color illustrations are accepted and thus will appear online, but if authors wanted to be published in color of the printed version, must cover the proportional cost of printing.

Figure captions

Quantity (with letter): _________________

(   )  They are marked with Arabic numberd according to the overall sequence corresponding to them.

Ethical aspects

(   )  The human procedures must conform with the Ethical Standards of the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975 and the 1989 amendments to the agreement about ; issued by the Ministry of Health, published on January 26, 1982, and the Scientific Committee and Ethics institution where they were first performed.

(   )  Animal experiments conform to the rules the National Research Council and the institution where it was performed.

(   )  Any other situation that may interest must be notified in writing to publishers.


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