| Table of contents Rev. hist. Am. n.162 Cuidad de México Jan./Jun. 2022 Editorial | | | | · Nota editorial Samacá Alonso, Gabriel
| | | Research articles | | | | · The presence of Africans and their descendants in colonial Concepción, Chile: a first approach Andrade-Martínez, Pedro Manuel; Argo-Chávez, Mary Anne; Soto-Cerda, Alonso
| | | | · The primordial title of San Miguel Xicalco, 17th century. Memory, history, and cultural reproduction González Reyes, Gerardo; Dorantes Soria, Maricela
| | | | · Antonio Maria de Bucareli and the Tehuantepec canal project.The diplomatic and political proceed in the face of Russian expansionism, 1773-1777 Tlacxani Segura, Gonzalo
| | | | · The biography in the Venezuelan 19th century. Notes for your study Brizuela, Jean Carlos
| | | | · From Crystal Palace to the Eiffel Tower. Mexico’s through the 19th Century Universal Expositions Rodríguez Barba, Fabiola
| | | | · The Formation of Midshipmen Candidates of the Argentine Navy on the Frigate Sarmiento (1899-1938) Desiderato, Agustín Daniel
| | | Book reviews | | | | · María del Carmen Barcia Zequeira, Pedro Blanco el negrero. Mito, realidad y espacios, La Habana, Ediciones Boloña, 2020 Santamaría García, Antonio
| | | | · Hilda, Sábato, Repúblicas del Nuevo Mundo: el experimento político latinoamericano del siglo XIX, Buenos Aires, Taurus, 2021 Salas Aron, Emiliano
| | | | · Daniel, Santilli (Comp.), Niveles de vida en un país en ciernes. Dimensiones de la desigualdad en la Argentina en el largo plazo, 1700-1900, Buenos Aires, Prometeo, 2020 Rossi, Ignacio Andrés
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