| Sumário Rev. med. Hosp. Gen. Méx. vol.86 no.1 Ciudad de México Jan./Mar. 2023 Editorial | | | | · Work, health, and costs; a relevant reflection Romero-Feregrino, Rodrigo; Romero-Cabello, Raúl; Rodríguez-León, Mario A.
| | | Artículos originales | | | | · Study habits and academic performance in residents of orthopedics and family medicine Barragán-Hervella, Rodolfo G.; Gaytán-Fernández, Suemmy; Ramírez-Polanco, América; Martínez-Asención, José P.; Castillo-Ramírez, Isabel O.; Tapia-Cortes, Carolina; Quiroz-Williams, Jorge
| | | | · Moderate hypofractionation in prostate cancer: experience from Regional Hospital ISSSTE, Morelos Tallabs-Villafaña, Felipe de J.; Salinas-Rosas, Oscar S.; Rivera-Valaguez, María F.; Gutiérrez-Balderas, Palemón; Andrade-Almaraz, Verónica
| | | | · Concha bullosa and nasal septum by tomographic study; experience at the General Hospital of Mexico Eduardo Liceaga Vargas-Hernández, Susana I.; Flores-Limas, Sanjuanita; Romero-Cabello, Raúl; Vega-Gutiérrez, Alejandro E.; Ramos-Pacheco, Víctor H.; Amancio-Chassin, Octavio
| | | Casos clínicos | | | | · Alternative methods of skull reconstruction for giant sarcomas Araujo-López, Adán; Gónzalez-Rodríguez, Mónica; Cruz-Hernández, Álvaro; Nuñéz-Castillo, Joseph A.; Tristán-Tenorio, Carlo Augusto; Ríos-Lara, Rodolfo L.; Ugalde-Vitelly, Juan A.
| | | | · Therapeutic description of common iliac artery aneurysms. Number of cases Sierra, Miguel A.; Ramírez, Fernando G.; Rivera, Sergio E.; Olivares, Sandra; Lacayo, Marlon E.
| | | | · Abdominal reconstruction in a patient with flank hernia after trauma, a case report and review of the literature Dávila-Portilla, Rogelio G.; Correa-Dip, Elliott C.; Torres-Piña, Raymundo; Ugalde-Vitelly, Juán A.; Guzmán-Martínez, Mario; Jalife-Montaño, Abel; Chapa-Azuela, Oscar; Moreno-Hernández, Sergio G.; Tristán-Tenorio, Carlo A.
| | | | · Biliary ileus an uncommon cause of intestinal occlusion: case report Suro-Santos, Yeudiel; Serrato-Ruíz, Jorge A.; Fuentes- Hernández, José E.; Macías-Landeros, Benjamín H.; Chávez-Rodríguez, Josué
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