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Revista médica del Hospital General de México
versão On-line ISSN 2524-177Xversão impressa ISSN 0185-1063


Rev. med. Hosp. Gen. Méx. vol.85 no.4 Ciudad de México Out./Dez. 2022

 ·  Acad. Dr. Rafael Romualdo Gutiérrez Vega. In memoriam
Amancio-Chassin, Octavio; Rodríguez-Báez, Alejandro; Ortega-Salgado, José A.; Padilla-Sánchez, Luis; Fajardo-Dolci, Germán; Montalvo-Javé, Eduardo E.

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 Artículos originales
 ·  Reconstructive management of total lower lip defects with a modified gate flap at the “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga” General Hospital of Mexico
Ortíz-Martínez, Héctor; Ríos-Lara y López, Rodolfo L.

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 ·  Association between lipid profile and gallbladder histopathology of post cholecystectomy patients
López-Fragoso, Luis D.; Corona-Torres, María J.; Nuño-Lámbarri, Natalia; Durán-Padilla, Marco A.; Gutiérrez-Reyes, Gabriela; Uribe-Esquivel, Misael; Lopez-López, Jorge; Ramirez-Tapia, David; Rodríguez-Báez, Alejandro; Montalvo-Javé, Eduardo E.

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 ·  Frequency and clinical association of NY-ESO-1 gene expression in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Olarte-Carrillo, Irma; Ramos-Peñafiel, Christian O.; Cerón-Maldonado, Rafael; Barranco-Lampon, Gilberto I.; Mendoza-Salas, Iveth; García-Laguna, Anel I.; Cruz-Rosas, Adrian De la; Martínez-Murillo, Carlos; Centeno-Cruz, Federico; Martínez-Tovar, Adolfo

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 Artículos de revisión
 ·  Gastrointestinal symptoms and disorders related to COVID-19. Lessons learned from gastroenterologists
Higuera-de la Tijera, Fátima; Servín-Caamaño, Alfredo; Pérez-Hernández, José L.

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 ·  Helical tomotherapy: advanced radiotherapy technology
Escobar-Peralta, Elizabeth; Gil-García, Rebeca; Quezada-Bautista, Abril A.; López-Riverol, Otoniel

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 Casos clínicos
 ·  Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty in a pregnant patient with pulmonary bioprosthetic valve stenosis
Borges-López, Jesús S.; Cuevas-Campillo, Axel; Ochoa-Pérez, Víctor; González-Maciel, Javier; Castaño-Guerra, Rodolfo de J.; Ayala-Hernández, Eduardo

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 ·  Oropharyngeal dysphagia spectrum in Wallenberg syndrome: a case report
Calil-Romero, Vanessa C.; Tejeda-Franco, Carolina D.; Solís-Sánchez, Itzel; Segura-Hernández, Mónica; Bueno-Hernández, Nallely; Gómez-Coello, Annel

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 ·  Schwannoma of the dorsal nerve of the penis: case report and differential diagnoses
Reyes-Esparza, Arturo; Macias-Flores, Juan C.; Amaya-Téllez, Mariana; Miranda-Castañon, Francisco; Gonzalez-Garcia, Edgardo

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