Editorial |
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| · Editorial Daneels, Annick
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Articles |
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| · Fuzzy limits, dynamic interaction: Sinaloa before the Spanish Conquest Grave Tirado, Luis Alfonso; Ortega León, Víctor
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| · Chinkultic. Circulation within an archaeological site on the Eastern Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico Navarrete Cáceres, Carlos
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| · The ballgame ring of San Pedro Ocotlán, Southwestern Puebla, Mexico: a cult of the sun? Rosas Salinas, Rodolfo
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| · Yoemem cargo systems Mesri Hashemi-Dilmaghani, Parastoo Anita
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| · People and jobs in the process of commodification of indigenous Chaco crafts Perret, Myriam Fernanda
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| · Noun phrase and person marking in Chichimeco (Oto-manguean) Hernández Chincoya, Francisco; Mora-Bustos, Armando
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| · Thinking through the sonority and listening of the Huave people: cosmology, ritual and social life Campos Velázquez, Roberto
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| · STR’S autosome Markers of the indigenous Añu population from Zulia, Venezuela Pardo Govea, Tatiana Carolina; Tovar Stojcic, Korana; Quintero Ferrer, José Miguel; Borjas Fuentes, Lisbeth Margarita; Sánchez Caridad, Yanira; Méndez Molina, Karile Del Carmen; Carrero Castillo, Yenddy Nayghit; Rivera Pirela, Sergio Emiro
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| · Estimating life standards in raramuri from 1905 to 2014 using anthropometric data Rivera Morales, Javier
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Notes |
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| · Development and labelling of restricted behaviors from the anthropology of violence Hikal Carreón, Wael Sarwat
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Reviews |
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| · Por qué a algunos les gusta el picante. Alimentos, genes y diversidad cultural, Gary Paul Nabhan Hernández Palomares, Mariana Elizabeth
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| · Modificaciones cefálicas culturales en Mesoamérica. Una perspectiva continental. Vera Tiesler y Carlos Serrano Sánchez (eds.) Meza Manzanilla, Margarita
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| · Cinco Sabores Tradicionales Mexiquenses. Cocina Mazahua, Otomí, Nahua, Matlatzinca y Tlahuica. Leonor Cano Garduño y David Gómez Sánchez Pérez Sánchez, José Manuel
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| · Deidades, paisajes, y astronomía en la cosmovisión andina y mesoamericana. Juan Pablo Villanueva, Johanna Broda, Masato Sakai (eds.) Pérez Gerardo, Diana Roselly
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| · Kaxúmbekua (Valores éticos y morales de la cultura P’uhrépecha). Juan Álvarez Zalpa Vázquez León, Luis
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