Editorial |
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| · Editorial Daneels Verriest, Annick
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Articles |
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| · The art of combining. The ritual management of different religious horizons in Nahua and Teenek milieux of the Veracruzan Huasteca (Mexico) Ariel de Vidas, Anath
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| · Ruku, chakwa y runa: sociality and spaces of negotiation between man and territory in Andes of Conchucos, Peru Venturoli, Sofía
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| · Mortality Patterns and identity identifiers at the funerary architectural complex of La Noria Tamtoc, San Luis Potosí Hernández Espinoza, Patricia Olga
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| · Rituals of purification in Moche society: a bioarchaeological and iconographic approach in the old temple of Huaca de la Luna, Peru Castillo Luján, Feren; Uceda Castillo†, Santiago; Vásquez Sánchez, Víctor
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| · Monte Alban Danzantes and and their relationship with the jaguar Fahmel Beyer, Bernd Walter
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| · Cultural and astronomical cycles in Xochicalco, Morelos Morante López, Rubén Bernardo
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| · The physical resistance of rarámuri: an anthropological view Rivera-Morales, Javier; Vargas Guadarrama, Luis Alberto; Sotuyo, Solange
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| · Assessment of nutritional status, capillary glucose, blood pressure and body dissatisfaction in a population of Mexican indigenous artisans who attend an annual university handicraft fair Díaz Gutiérrez, Mary Carmen; Sánchez Espinoza, Ilse Jocelyne; Bilbao y Morcelle, Gladys María; Parra Carriedo, Alicia
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| · Catholic organisms in the consolidation of indigenous organizations: The case of the Shiyaxauapi group in the province of Chaco, Argentina Castilla, Malena Inés
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| · Public policies and ethnization in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina Engelman, Juan Manuel
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Reviews |
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| · La realeza sagrada en México (siglos XVI-XXI), Danièle Dehouve Lorente Fernández, David
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| · Viaje por la invisibilidad de los afromexicanos, Luis Eduardo Espinosa Morales, Mireya
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| · Sociabilidad, deporte y ciudadanía durante la Transición Democrática en Tegueste (1975-1982), Víctor L. Alonso Delgado Lisbona Guillén, Miguel
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| · Anthropology. Why it Matters, Tim Ingold/El mundo y sus demonios. La ciencia como una luz en la oscuridad, Carl Sagan Vázquez León, Luis
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