| Table of contents Ecosistemas y recur. agropecuarios vol.10 n.spe3 Villahermosa 2023 Scientific articles | | | | · Modeling of growth during detoxification of coffee residues by filamentous fungi Hernández-Teyssier, Eva Luz; Anducho-Reyes, Miguel Ángel; Díaz-Godínez, Gerardo; Tellez-Jurado, Alejandro
| | | | · No one innovates more than their relationships allow: The case of small farmers Jiménez-Carrasco, Juan Salvador; Rendón-Medel, Roberto; Díaz-José, Julio; Segura-Salazar, Citlalli Melissa
| | | | · Antifungal activity In vitro of nanoemulsion prepared from neem oil (Azadirachta indica) Hernández-Becerra, Josafat Alberto; Sánchez-Cerino, Ana Lidia; García-Galindo, Hugo Sergio; Torres-Palacios, Cristóbal; Ochoa-Flores, Angélica Alejandra
| | | | · Chemical compounds, antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity of two methanolic extracts of Agave Angustifolia leaves López-Romero, Julio César; González-Ríos, Humberto; Valenzuela-Melendres, Martín; Ayala-Zavala, Jesús Fernando; Meza-Callado, Ana Guadalupe
| | | | · Postharvest quality of melon (Cucumis melo L.) by effect of iodinated chitosan complexes Ortega-Ortiz, Hortensia; Soriano-Melgar, Lluvia de Abril Alexandra; Treviño-López, Eduardo Alfonso
| | | | · Optimization of DNA extraction from bee pollen for molecular characterization Wei, Lihua; Mendoza-Villareal, Rosalinda; Solano-Sánchez, Jazmín; Ibarra-Rivera, Ana Sofia; Pacheco-Reyes, Flor Cristina; Pérez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel
| | | | · Potassium fertilization in the improved lines and landrace material of chile soledad (Capsicum annuum L.) Ramírez-Seañez, Ana Rosa; Alfonso-García, José Mauricio; Hernández-Hernández, Hipólito; Palacios-Torres, Rogelio Enrique; Ramírez-Meraz, Moisés; Borroel-García, Victoria Jared
| | | | · Pectin extraction methods in fruits: Systematic review García-García, Paola Monserrat; Galindo-Alcántara, Adalberto; Ruiz-Acosta, Silvia del Carmen
| | | | · Physiological and molecular characterization of Microbacterium paraoxydans isolated from ponds in Cuatrociénegas, Coahuila Salinas-Jasso, Thalía Athenas; Moreno-Dávila, Ileana Mayela M.; León-Zapata, Miguel Ángel De; Soria-Ortiz, Alma Idalia
| | | | · Climate trend and variability: effect on maize production in the Atlacomulco Rural Development District Cruz-González, Alejandro; Arteaga-Ramírez, Ramón; Sánchez-Cohen, Ignacio; Soria-Ruiz, Jesús; Monterroso Rivas, Alejandro Ismael; Flores-Magdaleno, Héctor
| | | | · Antagonism of Trichoderma species against plant pathogens causing Root rot of pepper Torres-Torres, Edel; Guigón-López, César; Uranga-Valencia, Luisa Patricia; Guerrero-Morales, Sergio
| | | | · Effect of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on the development and germination of Cucumis Sativus L. López-Martínez, Guadalupe; Ruiz-Torres, Norma; Diaz-Barriga-Castro, Enrique; Lira-Saldívar, Ricardo Hugo; López Hernández, Isaías; Luna Anguiano, Jesús; Flores-Hernández, Eduardo Arón
| | | | · Effect of maltodextrin and zinc oxide nanoparticles on biomass and yield in cucumber Ucan-Tucuch, Omar; Betancourt-Galindo, Rebeca; Juárez-Maldonado, Antonio; Sánchez-Vega, Miriam; Sandoval-Rangel, Alberto; Méndez-López, Alonso
| | | | · Application of zinc oxide nanoparticles and sodium chloride in bell pepper Magdaleno-García, Guadalupe; Juárez-Maldonado, Antonio; Betancourt-Galindo, Rebeca; González-Morales, Susana; Sánchez-Vega, Miriam; Cabrera-de La Fuente, Marcelino; Méndez-Lopez, Alonso
| | | | · In-silico analysis of pharmacokinetic properties and molecular targets of lignans and terpenes from Bursera microphylla Torres-Moreno, Heriberto; López-Romero, Julio César; Rodríguez-Martínez, Karen Lillian; Peraza-Figueroa, David Edgardo; Salcido-González, Beatríz Adriana; Oros-Morales, Ailyn; Robles-Zepeda, Ramón Enrique
| | | Scientifics notes | | | | · Repellent effect of three plant extracs on pests of the crop of Capsicum chinense Gío-Trujillo, José Alberto; Cámara-Romero, José Luis
| | | | · Determination of diethylstilbestrol, zeranol and trenbolone in chicken meat of national and imported origin Peña-Torres, Edgar Fernando; Benitez-Hernández, Asahel; García-Barron, Sergio Erick; Peña-Morán, Omar Aristeo; Montero-Lara, Gabriel Ángel
| | | | · Determination of antioxidants during the elaboration process of fermented artisanal breads Delgadillo-Díaz, Mariana; Álvarez-Romero, Alejandra; Baleón-Ortega, Karla V.; Ortiz-Salazar, Francisco
| | | | · Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of phenolic compounds from Brosimum alicastrum fruit and their antioxidant capacity Aguilar-Piloto, Gustavo; Negrón-Diaz, Andrea Carolina; Moo-Huchin, Víctor Manuel; Ramírez-Sucre, Manuel Octavio; Delgadillo-Díaz, Mariana; Cuevas-Glory, Luis Fernando; Sauri-Duch, Enrique
| | | | · Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of phenolic compounds from different Brosimum alicastrum tissues Negrón-Diaz, Andrea Carolina; Aguilar-Piloto, Gustavo; Moo-Huchin, Víctor Manuel; Delgadillo-Díaz, Mariana; Sauri-Duch, Enrique
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