| Table of contents Ecosistemas y recur. agropecuarios vol.7 n.2 Villahermosa 2020 Scientific articles | | | | · Edaphic fauna and insects associated to weeds in persian lemon, monoculture and intercropping Murillo-Cuevas, Félix D.; Adame-García, Jacel; Cabrera-Mireles, Héctor; Villegas-Narváez, Jazmín; Rivera-Meza, Adriana Elena
| | | | · Population dinamics of Acroptilon repens L. and weed community structure post flooding Gajardo, Omar Ariel; Avilés, Lucrecia; Cañón, Silvia
| | | | · Population growth of a generational cohort of the copepod Apocyclops panamensis (Marsh, 1913) under different temperatures and salinities Cruz-Rosado, Leonardo; Contreras-Sánchez, Wilfrido M.; Hernández-Vidal, Ulises; Perez-Urbiola, Juan Carlos; Contreras-García, María de J
| | | | · Location of VirD4 protein of Anaplasma marginale in infected erythrocytes by specific serum by immunofluorescence Barrera-Molina, América Ivette; Rodríguez-Camarillo, Sergio D
| | | | · Urbanization and its relationship with urban heat island in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas Zavaleta-Palacios, Mariana; Díaz-Nigenda, Emmanuel; Vázquez-Morales, Williams; Morales-Iglesias, Horacio; Narcizo de Lima, Gabriela
| | | | · Seed quality of moringa and its adaptability in the field in association with buffelgrass Gómez-Martínez, Martha; Rodríguez-Herrera, Raúl; González-Domínguez, Jorge R.; Santos-Fernández, Marisol; Gómez-Martínez, Susana
| | | | · Body mass index and body chemical components in Pelibuey ewes Salazar-Cuytun, Eufracia R.; Sarmiento-Franco, Luis A.; Aguilar-Caballero, Armando J.; Fonseca, Mozart A.; Tedeschi, Luis O.
| | | | · Vegetation on geomorphic surfaces in the Monserrat Island in the Gulf of California Ortiz-Ávila, Victor; Arnaud-Franco, Gustavo A.; Estrada-Castillón, Eduardo; Cavazos-Lozano, Eloy A.; Romero, Guillermo; Mellado, Miguel
| | | Scientifics notes | | | | · Accumulation of heavy metals in irrigated alfalfa with wastewater from the textile industry García-González, Cristina Yhoselin; Moreno-Reséndez, Alejandro; Figueroa-Viramontes, Uriel; Reyes-Carrillo, José Luis
| | | | · Effect of Quitomax on downy mildew control in the cucumber crop (Cucumis sativus L.) Henríquez-Díaz, Félix Michel; Salgado-Valle, Yoan; Ramírez-Arrebato, Miguel Angel; Reyes-Pérez, Juan José; Rodríguez-Pedroso, Aida Tania; Ruiz-Sánchez, Michel; Hernández-Montiel, Luis Guillermo
| | | | · Population fluctuation of mites families associated with blackberry plants (Rubus fruticosus L.) Vargas-Madriz, Haidel; Acuña-Soto, Jesús Alberto; Rodríguez-Bautista, Geremias; Grifaldo-Alcántara, Pedro Fabián; García-Escamilla, Paul; Lázaro-Dzul, Martha Olivia
| | | | · Paratuberculosis serological detection in cattle and goats from family production in altiplano region, Mexico Vega-Manriquez, Delia Xochil; Lara-García, Luis Alberto; Sosa-Martínez, Luz Elena; Morón-Cedillo, Felipe de Jesús; Castrellón-Ahumada, Victoria Elizabeth; Maldonado-Castro, Edith; Herrera-Corredor, Camelia Alejandra; Ballesteros-Rodea, Gilberto; Santos-Díaz, Rosa Elena; Chávez-Gris, Gilberto
| | | | · Prolonged release urea powder system with potential use in sustainable agriculture Echevarría-Hernández, Anayza; Wong-Corral, Francisco Javier; Borboa-Flores, Jesús; Rodríguez-Félix, Francisco; Toro-Sánchez, Carmen Lizette Del; García-Hernández, José Luís
| | | | · Relationship between body mass index and body condition score in Pelibuey ewes Salazar-Cuytun, Eufracia del R.; Chay-Canul, Alfonso J.; Ptáček, Martin; Garcia-Herrera, Ricardo A.; Rivera-Alegria, Flor de Maria; Aguilar-Caballero, Armando J.; Sarmiento-Franco, Luis A.
| | | | · Sustainability of the production units of the amaranto crop (Amaranthus caudatus L.) Mejía Valvas, Rhodes Leopoldo; Gómez-Pando, Luz; Pinedo-Taco, Rember
| | | | · Antagonistic actinomycetes to Colletotrichum sp. Penz in the mango cultivation in Nayarit, Mexico Mendoza-Herrera, Yulia Maribel; Rios-Velasco, Claudio; Cambero-Campos, Jhonathan; dios-Ávila, Ndahita De; Pérez-Corral, Daniel Alonso; Rodríguez-Guerra, Raúl; Estrada-Virgen, Mario Orlando
| | | | · Management and welfare of working equids in the Guerrero state Robledo-Reyes, Eduardo Ezequiel; Hernández-Gil, Mariano; Rojas-Hernández, Saúl; Camacho-Díaz, Luis Miguel; Cipriano-Salazar, Moisés; Villa-Mancera, Abel; Olivares-Pérez, Jaime
| | | | · Kinetics of in vitro growth of Brevibacillus brevis in different culture media Bigurra-Quintero, Uldarico; Mendoza-Villarreal, Rosalinda; Robledo-Torres, Valentín; Paredes-Jácome, José Rafael
| | | | · Detection of Shiga toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in asymptomatic cattle in the southern Sonora, Mexico Rivas-Ruiz, Cristhoper Michel; Cantú-Soto, Ernesto Uriel; Maldonado-Mendoza, Ignacio Eduardo; Figueroa-López, Alejandro Miguel; Anduro-Jordan, Julio Armando; Luna-Nevarez, Pablo; López-Castro, Pedro Alan
| | | | · Exploratory study of lead and copper accumulation in Prosopis laevigata in mine tailings Duarte-Zaragoza, Víctor Manuel; Pérez-Hernández, Victoria Sabrina; Hernández-Acosta, Elizabeth; Villanueva-Morales, Antonio
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