Presentation |
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| · Presentación Velázquez Fernández, Francisco Javier; Alvizo Carranza, Cristina
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Theoretical reflection |
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| · Capacities: (again) a conceptual and methodological analysis González Bazaldua, Hugo Alejandro
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| · Meaning as lifeworld: indecision in relation to its social dimension in Habermas Bialakowsky, Alejandro
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| · Youth and inequality in Mexico: an adultcentric bias? Heatley Tejada, Ana
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| · Thanatopolitics, totalitarianism and coronavirus, a route for excesses Klein Caballero, Alejandro
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Social spaces for debate |
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| · Symbolic violence in the discourse on ‘gender ideology’: a perspective from symbolic domination through moral panic and post-truth Bárcenas Barajas, Karina
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| · The ethics of paternity: children’s education, social and legal responsibility Ávila Tinajero, Katherine
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General section |
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| · The Principle of non-intervention in Latin America: the Roosevelt Corollary and the Drago Doctrine Tah Ayala, Einer David
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| · The literary footprint of Federico García Lorca at the Universidad Michoacana, 1936-1998 Sánchez Díaz, Gerardo
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| · The route of those without work: understanding the caravans of Central American “migrants”, 2018-2019 Schaffhauser, Philippe; Inocente Escamilla, Yuri Arón
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| · Underground resistance: resettlement as a form of struggle of the population displaced by the El Novillo dam, 1960-1990 Celaya Aguilar, Suzette
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| · Lights on political analysis Borjas García, Hugo Alejandro; Pastor Pérez, María del Pilar
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| · The subnational spending power in Mexico: an exploratory study Sánchez Martínez, José Said
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| · The gender gap in the individual capitalization system of pensions in Mexico Herrera Toyos, Gladys Yadira; Velázquez Contreras, Lorenia
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| · Theories of complex systems: an epistemic framework for analyzing socioenvironmental complexity Martínez Romero, Eduardo; Esparza Olguín, Ligia Guadalupe
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| · An approach to the context of the labor market of the young population in the context of a pandemic (COVID-19) Moctezuma Pérez, Sergio; Murguía Salas, Verónica
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Reviews |
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| · Cárdenas Méndez, Eliana, coord. Políticas internacionales, Migración y Gobernanza. Chetumal: Universidad de Quintana Roo, 2018, 222 pp. Rejón Apodaca, Solangel Nazaret
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| · Pérez Tornero, José Manuel. La gran mediatización I: El tsunami que expropia nuestras vidas del confinamiento digital a la sociedad de la distancia. Vargas Portillo, Patricia
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