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Therya vol.10 no.3 La Paz sep. 2019

 ·  Editorial
Álvarez-Castañeda, Sergio Ticul

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 ·  Insights into the evolutionary and demographic history of the extant endemic rodents of the Galápagos Islands
Castañeda-Rico, Susette; Johnson, Sarah A.; Clement, Scott A.; Dowler, Robert C.; Maldonado, Jesús E.; Edwards, Cody W.

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 ·  Use of linear features by the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) in a tropical cattle-ranching landscape
Ávila-Flores, Rafael; Bolaina-Badal, Ana Lucía; Gallegos-Ruiz, Adriana; Sánchez-Gómez, Wendy S.

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 ·  Differences in metal content in liver of Heteromyids from deposits with and without previous mining operations
Méndez-Rodríguez, Lía; Álvarez-Castañeda, Sergio Ticul

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 ·  Identity and distribution of the Nearctic otter (Lontra canadensis) at the Río Conchos Basin, Chihuahua, Mexico
Gallo-Reynoso, Juan Pablo; Macías-Sánchez, Samuel; Nuñez-Ramos, Veruschka A.; Loya-Jaquez, Aron; Barba-Acuña, Isai David; Armenta-Méndez, Lucila del Carmen; Guerrero-Flores, Jimena J.; Ponce-García, Gloria; Gardea-Bejar, Alfonso A.

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 ·  Sigmodontine community and species responses to El Niño and precipitation in different levels of forest degradation
Owen, Robert D.; Camp, Jeremy V.; Jonsson, Colleen B.

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 ·  Presence of Arenavirus in Mus musculus, Chiapas, Mexico
Lorenzo, Consuelo; Rioja, Tamara M.; Carrillo-Reyes, Arturo; Álvarez-Castañeda, Sergio Ticul

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 ·  The least known with the smallest ranges: analyzing the patterns of occurrence and conservation of South American rodents known only from their type localities
Teta, Pablo; D’Elía, Guillermo

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 ·  Siphonaptera associated with small mammals (Didelphimorphia, Chiroptera, and Rodentia) from northwestern Argentina
López-Berrizbeitia, M. Fernanda; Diaz, M. Mónica

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 ·  Genetic relationships of Caribbean lowland spiny pocket mice (Heteromys desmarestianus: Rodentia; Heteromyidae): evidence of a distinct mitochondrial lineage
Romero, Andrea; Mort, Mark E.; DeWoody, J. Andrew; Timm, Robert M.

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 ·  Music and dance in mammals
Lidicker Jr, William Z.

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 ·  Activity patterns and their relationship to the habitat use of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico
Pérez-Solano, Luz Adriana; Gallina Tessaro, Sonia

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 ·  A checklist of the parasitic helminths of cricetid and heteromyid rodents in Mexico
Preisser, Whitney C.; Falcón-Ordaz, Jorge

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 ·  Contributions to the natural history of Mormopterus kalinowskii (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in the southwest of Peru
Flores-Quispe, Marisel; Calizaya-Mamani, Giüseppy; Portugal-Zegarra, Gandhy; Aragón Alvarado, Giovanni; Pacheco-Castillo, Jaime; Rengifo, Edgardo M.

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 ·  Tapir population patterns under the disappearance of free-standing water
Reyna-Hurtado, Rafael; Sima-Pantí, David; Andrade, María; Padilla, Angélica; Retana-Guaiscón, Óscar; Sánchez-Pinzón, Khiavett; Martínez, Wilber; Meyer, Ninón; Moreira-Ramírez, José Fernando; Carrillo-Reyna, Natalia; Rivero-Hernández, Crysia Marina; Serrano Mac-Gregor, Isabel; Calme, Sophie; Arias Domínguez, Nicolás

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 ·  Relación de los pequeños mamíferos terrestres (Rodentia y Didelphimorphia) con la estructura de la vegetación en el Bosque Atlántico Interior - un análisis multivariado
Barreto Cáceres, María Belén; Owen, Robert D.

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 ·  Activity patterns of terrestrial frugivorous mammals in a Mexican Neotropical forest
Mendoza, Eduardo; Camargo-Sanabria, Angela A.; Basurto-Godoy, Juan; Godínez-Gómez, Oscar; Mendoza, Manuel

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 ·  Landscape Genetics of Mammals in American Ecosystems
Flores-Manzanero, Alejandro; Vázquez-Domínguez, Ella

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 ·  Synthesis and perspectives of bibliographic information on Tapirella bairdii in Mexico
Gordillo Méndez, Carlos Alfredo; Rubio-Gutiérrez, Itzel Citlalli; Guevara-Chumacero, Luis Manuel

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 ·  The ecological niche of Echinococcus multilocularis in North America: understanding biotic and abiotic determinants of parasite distribution with new records in New Mexico and Maryland, United States
Botero-Cañola, Sebastian; Dursahinhan, Altangerel T.; Rácz, Sara E.; Lowe, Parker V.; Ubelaker, John E.; Gardner, Scott L.

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