| Table of contents Rev. mex. de cienc. forestales vol.13 n.72 México Jul./Aug. 2022 Scientific article | | | | · Preliminary identification of woods from Mexican pines by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy Contreras Quiñones, Héctor Jesús; Lizardo Aguayo, David Alejandro; Andrade Ortega, Jesús Angel; Ramírez Barragán, Carlos Alberto; Díaz Ramos, Sara Gabriela; Rivas, Antonio Rodríguez
| | | | · Sustainability verifiers of forest inventories of the tropical forest of the Mato Grosso State, Brazil Imaña Encinas, José; Ferreira, Marcos Antônio Camargo; Riesco Muñoz, Guillermo; Rojo Alboreca, Alberto
| | | | · Effect of three production systems on the physical fertility status of the soil Nuñez-Peñaloza, Jorge Luis; Cristóbal-Acevedo, David; Hernández-Acosta, Elizabeth; Villanueva-Morales, Antonio
| | | | · Nitrogen storage and C:N ratio of an Umbrisol under forest management in Durango, Mexico Cantú Silva, Israel; Luna Robles, Erik Orlando
| | | | · Taxodium huegelii C. Lawson natural distribution in the state of Hidalgo Canales-Perez, Rafael; Hernández-León, Sergio; Palacios-Romero, Abraham; Hernández Lazcano, Adriana; Rodríguez-Laguna, Rodrigo; Suárez-Islas, Alfonso; González-Ávalos, José; Arce-Cervantes, Oscar
| | | | · Morphometric, reproductive and germination characteristics of Swietenia humilis Zucc. germplasm from Guerrero State Calixto Valencia, Celi Gloria; Cetina Alcalá, Víctor Manuel; Ramírez Herrera, Carlos; López López, Miguel Ángel; Ángeles-Pérez, Gregorio; Equihua Martínez, Armando; Basave Villalobos, Erickson
| | | | · Equations to estimate aerial biomass of candelilla (Euphorbia antisyphilitica Zucc.) in Chihuahua Maldonado-Ortiz, Margarito; López-Serrano, Pablito Marcelo; Valdez-Cepeda, Ricardo D.; Mata-González, Ricardo; García-González, Fabián; Martínez-Salvador, Martín
| | | | · Risk trees in Viveros de Coyoacán National Park, Mexico City Muñoz Gutiérrez, Liliana; Pérez Miranda, Ramiro; Reséndiz Martínez, José Francisco; Reyes Robles, Rodolfo
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