| Table of contents Rev. mex. de cienc. forestales vol.3 n.12 México Jul./Aug. 2012 Editorial | | | | · El futuro deseado Mallén Rivera, Carlos
| | | Articles | | | | · Environmental prospective study with a strategic viewpoint of forest research in six latin american countries Moctezuma López, Georgel; Espinosa García, José Antonio; Tapia Naranjo, Cruz Alfredo; Pérez Díaz, Magaly Montserrat
| | | | · The effect of water stress over Pinus cooperi Blanco during preconditioning at the nursery Prieto-Ruíz, José Ángel; Almaraz Roldán, René Javier; Corral-Rivas, José Javier; Díaz Vázquez, Antonio
| | | | · Commercialization channels of cuachalalate (Amphipterigium adstringens Schiede ex Schlecht.) bark in Mexico Solares Arenas, Fortunato; Vázquez Alvarado, Jorge Miguel Paulino; Gálvez Cortés, Ma. Cristina
| | | | · Tree composition and structure of a seasonally dry tropical forest at la sepultura biosphere reserve, Chiapas López-Toledo, José Francisco; Valdez-Hernández, Juan Ignacio; Pérez-Farrera, Miguel Ángel; Cetina-Alcalá, Víctor Manuel
| | | | · Socioeconomic framework of the traditional mycological knowledge in the Sierra Nevada, Mexico Estrada Martínez, Emma; Cibrián Tovar, David; Ortega Paczka, Rafael
| | | | · RAPDs profiles associated to the resistance to high light intensity of poles Álvarez-Moctezuma, José Guadalupe; Ortiz-Reyes, Alma Delia; Sahagún-Castellanos, Jaime; Peña-Lomelí, Aureliano
| | | | · Productivity of a forest harvester in commercial eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) plantations Vargas Abasolo, Imelda; Sánchez Rojas, Leonardo; Vargas Carballo, Rigoberto; Serrano Gálvez, Enrique; Lira González, Diego Ernesto
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