| Table of contents Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias vol.12 n.4 Mérida Oct./Dec. 2021 Articles | | | | · Inbreeding levels and their effects on phenotypic expression in Holstein cattle García-Ruiz, Adriana; Martínez-Marín, Gustavo Javier; Cortes-Hernández, José; Ruiz-López, Felipe de Jesús
| | | | · Contribution of genomic data in defining the breed composition of dual-purpose cattle Rosero Alpala, Jaime Anibal; Rangel Garcia, Wilson David; Rojas Barreto, Adonai; Orlando Burgos-Paz, William
| | | | · Relationships between seasonality, body characteristics and leptin at the beginning of puberty in Bos taurus taurus and Bos taurus indicus heifers in the Mexican tropics Hernández-López, Carlos; Calderón-Robles, René Carlos; Villa-Godoy, Alejandro; Ríos-Utrera, Ángel; Román-Ponce, Sergio Iván; González-Padilla, Everardo
| | | | · Brachiaria grasses in vitro digestibility with bovine and ovine ruminal liquid as inoculum Itavo, Luis Carlos Vinhas; Ítavo, Camila Celeste Brandão Ferreira; Valle, Cacilda Borges do; Dias, Alexandre Menezes; Difante, Gelson dos Santos; Morais, Maria da Graça; Soares, Claudia Muniz; Pereira, Camila da Silva; Oliveira, Ronaldo Lopes
| | | | · Grape pomace silage (Vitis labrusca L. cv. Isabel) on the intake and digestibility of nutrients, nitrogen balance and ingestive behavior of lambs Massaro Junior, Fernando Luiz; Bumbieris Junior, Valter Harry; Zanin, Ediane; Pereira, Elzânia Sales; Neumann, Mikael; Galbeiro, Sandra; Calixto, Odimari Pricila Prado; Mizubuti, Ivone Yurika
| | | | · Effectiveness of canola oil in pig diets to improve the lipid profile of meat Eutiquio, Soni-Guillermo; Figueroa-Velasco, José Luis; Sánchez-Torres-Esqueda, María Teresa; Cordero-Mora, José Luis; Hernández-Cázares, Aleida Selene; Martínez-Aispuro, José Alfredo; Copado-Bueno, José M. Fernando; Crosby-Galván, María Magdalena
| | | | · The soil-plant interface in Megathyrsus maximus cv. Mombasa subjected to different doses of nitrogen in rotational grazing Cardoso Sousa, Caryze Cristine; Baptaglin Montagner, Denise; Araújo, Alexandre Romeiro de; Euclides, Valéria Pacheco Batista; Difante, Gelson dos Santos; Gurgel, Antonio Leandro Chaves; Souza, Daniele Lopes de
| | | | · Relationship between antibiotic resistance and biofilm production of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from bovine mastitis Guzmán-Rodríguez, Jaquelina Julia; Salinas-Pérez, Estefanía; León-Galván, Fabiola; Barboza-Corona, José Eleazar; Valencia-Posadas, Mauricio; Ávila-Ramos, Fidel; Hernández-Marín, José Antonio; Ramírez-Sáenz, Diana; Gutiérrez-Chávez, Abner Josué
| | | | · Usefulness of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to detect Trichinella spiralis (Owen, 1835) muscle larvae in ham and sausages made from the meat of an experimentally infected pig Rosa Arana, Jorge Luis de la; Ponce Noguez, Jesús Benjamín; Gallardo Velázquez, Tzayhri; Reyes Rodríguez, Nydia Edith; Zepeda Velázquez, Andrea Paloma; López Lugo, Ana Berenice; Sánchez Paredes, Alejandro Pablo; Martínez Labat, Pablo; Gómez de Anda, Fabián Ricardo
| | | | · Frequency of serum antibodies against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and bovine viral diarrhea viruses in bulls, and their relationship with the presence of the viruses in semen Rosete Fernández, Jorge Víctor; Socci Escatell, Guadalupe A.; Fragoso Islas, Abraham; Zárate artínez, Juan Prisciliano; Olazarán Jenkins, Sara; Granados Zurita, Lorenzo; Ríos Utrera, Ángel
| | | | · Variability in polyphenol content, biological and anthelmintic activity of methanol:water extracts from the leaves of Gymnopodium floribundum Rolfe Ortíz-Ocampo, Guadalupe Isabel; Sandoval-Castro, Carlos Alfredo; Mancilla-Montelongo, Gabriela; Castañeda-Ramírez, Gloria Sarahi; Chan Pérez, José Israel; Capetillo Leal, Concepción; Torres-Acosta, Juan Felipe de Jesús
| | | | · Morphometric and molecular analysis (mtDNA) of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) in the state of Tabasco, Mexico Gómez Leyva, Juan Florencio; Argüello Nájera, Omar; Vázquez Encino, Pablo Jorge; Hernández Hernández, Luis Ulises; Payró de la Cruz, Emeterio
| | | | · Epizootiological factors of gastrointestinal strongyloses in Cuban Creole goats: bases for integrated management La O-Arias, Manuel Alejandro; Guevara-Hernández, Francisco; Rodríguez-Larramendi, Luis Alfredo; Reyes-Muro, Luis; Nahed-Toral, José; Mandujano-Camacho, Hernán Orbelin; Pinto-Ruiz, René
| | | Bibliographical reviews | | | | · Caseous lymphadenitis: virulence factors, pathogenesis and vaccines. Review Rodríguez Domínguez, Maria Carla; Montes de Oca Jiménez, Roberto; VarelaGuerreo, Jorge Antonio
| | | Technical Notes | | | | · Comparison of equations to fit growth curves of Holstein, Jersey and Jersey x Holstein cows in a grazing system Contreras Piña, Sonia; García Muñiz, José Guadalupe; Ramírez Valverde, Rodolfo; Núñez Domínguez, Rafael; González Ariceaga, Citlalli Celeste
| | | | · Effect of intrauterine application of ozone on neutrophil migration and subclinical endometritis in dairy cattle González-Aguado, Jessica Bárbara; Ochoa-Estrada, Elisa; Vera-Ávila, Héctor Raymundo; Chávez-López, María de Jesús; Espinosa-Martínez, Mario Alfredo; Cantó-Alarcón, Germinal Jorge; Gutiérrez-García, Claudia; Montiel-Olguín, Luis Javier
| | | | · In silico analysis of gene expression in granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles in two species of bovines Berdugo-Gutiérrez, Jesús Alfredo; Tarazona-Morales, Ariel Marcel; Echeverry-Zuluaga, José Julián; López-Herrera, Albeiro
| | | | · Standardized ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids of sesame meal in growing pigs Reis de Souza, Tércia Cesária; Aguilera Barreyro, Araceli; Mariscal Landín, Gerardo
| | | | · Prevalence of various Leptospira interrogans serovars in unvaccinated cows in the states of Puebla, Tabasco and Veracruz, Mexico Rosete Fernández, Jorge Víctor; Ríos Utrera, Ángel; Zárate Martínez, Juan P.; Socci Escatell, Guadalupe A.; Fragoso Islas, Abraham; Barradas Piña, Francisco T.; Olazarán Jenkins, Sara; Granados Zurita, Lorenzo
| | | | · Detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome in porcine herds of Baja California, Mexico Gómez-Gómez, Sergio Daniel; López-Valencia, Gilberto; Herrera-Ramírez, José Carlomán; Trasviña-Muñoz, Enrique; Monge-Navarro, Francisco Javier; Moreno-Torres, Kattya; García-Reynoso, Issa Carolina; Medina-Basulto, Gerardo Enrique; Cabanillas-Gámez, Miguel Arturo
| | | | · Enzootic ataxia due to copper deficiency in captive red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Colima, Mexico García-Márquez, Luis Jorge; Ramírez-Romero, Rafael; Martínez-Burnes, Julio; López-Mayagoitia, Alfonso; Ruíz-Ramírez, Johnatan Alberto; Loman-Zúñiga, Edgar Iván; Constantino-Casas, Fernando
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