| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.14 n.7 Texcoco Sep./Nov. 2023 Articles | | | | · Assessment of four genotypes of cacao in Nariño, Colombia Bacca, Pedro Pablo; Alarcon, Karen Andrea; González, Juan Carlos; Guzmán, Félix Alberto; Coronado, Roberto Antonio; Romero Barrera, Yajaira
| | | | · Contribution of the Mexican food agroindustry to the gross domestic product during 1993-2019 Moctezuma-López, Georgel
| | | | · Effect of grape and rootstock on the assimilation of soil ions in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua Sáenz-Pérez, Criseida Alhelí; Ojeda-Barrios, Dámaris Leopoldina; Perez-Leal, Ramona; Macías-Carranza, Víctor; Cabello-Pasini, Alejandro
| | | | · Analysis of extreme climate indicators and local perception in two communities of the Lacandon Rainforest Álvarez-Vázquez, José Luis; Aguilar-Sánchez, Genaro; Granados-Ramírez, Rebeca; Duch-Gary, Jorge; Juárez-Méndez, Juan; Tamara-Pedron, Isabel
| | | | · Micropropagation and ex-vitro rooting of Beaucarnea hookeri (LEM.) Baker Chávez-Muñoz, María del Rosario; Arellano-Ostoa, Gregorio; Fernández Pavía, Yolanda Leticia; Rodríguez-Elizalde, María de los Ángeles; Villavicencio-Gutiérrez, Eulalia Edith; González Rosas, Héctor
| | | | · Profile of the aerial biomass of Crotalaria pumila Ort. accumulated in summer Martínez-Zaragoza, Jesús Adán; Martínez-Hernández, Pedro Arturo; Zaragoza-Ramírez, José Luis; Cortés-Díaz, Enrique
| | | | · New report of Bradysia sp. (Diptera: Sciaridae) associated with Lilium sp. (Liliaceae) in Ocotlan of Morelos García-Pérez, Florinda; Sánchez-Hernández, César; Sánchez-Cabrera, Irma; Granados-Echegoyen, Carlos A.; Dorantes-Jiménez, Jaime; Villanueva-Sánchez, Evert
| | | | · First record of Oligonychus ilicis McGregor (Acari: Tetranychidae) on blueberry in Michoacán Esquivel-Ayala, Blanca Alicia; Vargas-Sandoval, Margarita
| | | | · Use of remote sensing for the determination of the Kc of the fig crop Martínez-Macias, Karla Janeth; Márquez-Guerrero, Selenne Yuridia; Orozco-Vidal, Jorge Arnaldo; Reyes-González, Arturo
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