| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.14 n.4 Texcoco May./Jun. 2023 Articles | | | | · Effect of bioproducts on the development of coffee seedlings inthenursery Díaz Medina, Alejandro; Carrillo González, Adriel; Suárez Pérez, Claribel
| | | | · Morphological and productive characterization of accessions of non-toxic Jatropha curcas L. in the central region of Veracruz García-Alonso, Florencia; García-Pérez, Eliseo; Pérez-Vázquez, Arturo; Martínez-Martínez, Ricardo; Casanova-Pérez, Lorena
| | | | · Physiological indices of seven forage species in different tropical environments Andrea-Hernández, Erika; Duran-Castro, Carlos Vicente; Silva-Aguilar, Bernardo; Juárez-Lagunes, Francisco Indalecio; Vélez-Terranova, Oscar Mauricio; Mejía de Tafur, María Sara
| | | | · Potential of legume species as soil fertility enhancers in tropical regions Matías-Ramos, Moisés; Hidalgo-Moreno, Claudia Isabel; Fuentes-Ponce, Mariela; Delgadillo-Martínez, Julián; Etchevers, Jorge Dionisio
| | | | · Analysis of temperature and precipitation in two avocado-growingareas of the state of Morelos: period 1956-2019 Arrieta Aguilar, Karen Fernanda; Sotelo Nava, Héctor; Peralta-Abarca, Jesús del Carmen; Villegas Torres, Oscar Gabriel; Perdomo Roldán, Francisco; Millán Benitez, Elizabet
| | | | · Quality and shelf life of three physiological states of fruitsof avocado variety Lonjas Tochihuitl-Martiñón, Guillermina Areli; Saucedo-Veloz, Crescenciano; López-Jiménez, Alfredo; Chávez-Franco, Sergio Humberto; Arellano-Ostoa, Gregorio; Guerra-Ramírez, Diana
| | | | · Population dynamics of stems in Urochloa hybrids with different harvest intensity Lucio-Ruiz, Fernando; Joaquín-Cancino, Santiago; Garay-Martínez, Jonathan R.; Limas-Martínez, Andrés G.
| | | | · Participatory diagnosis for the transfer of ecotechnology in a rural community of Oaxaca Martínez-Jiménez, Edberg Daniel; Martínez-Ojeda, Enrique; Vásquez-García, Adela; Sangerman-Jarquín, Dora María; Espinoza-Nájera, Carlos; Caballero-Montes, José Luis
| | | | · Brosimum alicastrum: sexing, flower, seed production and growth regulators San Miguel-Chávez, Rubén; Soto-Hernández, Ramón Marcos; Vergara-Yoisura, Silvia; Martínez-Ruiz, Nina del Rocío; Tucuch-Haas, Cesar; Larqué-Saavedra, Alfonso
| | | | · Descriptors in fruits of avocado in Mexico Quiñones-Islas, Nayeli Sarahí; Lazcano-Escobar, Juan Fabricio; Ramírez-López, Carolina; Trejo-Estrada, Sergio Rubén
| | | | · Inhibitory activity of alcoholic extracts of ediblefungi against Rhizoctonia solani Narváez-Montaño, Mónica de Jesús; Mendoza-López, María Remedios; Sánchez-Viveros, Gabriela; Almaraz-Suarez, Juan José; Argumedo-Delira, Rosalba
| | | Research notes | | | | · Pseudomonas fluorescens UM270 promotes growth and production in husk tomato Villaseñor-Tulais, Francisco; Hernández-Muñoz, Selene; Pedraza-Santos, Martha Elena; Chávez-Bárcenas, Ana Tztziqui; Santoyo, Gustavo; Orozco-Mosqueda, María del Carmen
| | | | · Effect of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on agronomic and macronutrient parameters in pak choi Cazares-Esquivel, Sigrid Eugenia; Carballo-Sánchez, Marco Polo; Almaraz-Suarez, Juan José
| | | | · Guanay-1, Guanay-2 and Guanay-3: new varieties of soursop for Nayarit Jiménez-Zurita, José Orlando; Balois-Morales, Rosendo; López-Guzmán, Graciela Guadalupe; Palomino-Hermosillo, Yolotzin Apatzingan; Bautista-Rosales, Pedro Ulises
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