| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.13 n.6 Texcoco Aug./Sep. 2022 Articles | | | | · Study comparative of the characteristics agronomic and chemical of three cultivars of purple corn in Peru Atalaya, Melissa Rabanal; Hoyos, Alicia Medina
| | | | · Physiological indices of seven forage species in different tropical environments Hernández, Erika Andrea; Duran Castro, Carlos Vicente; Aguilar, Bernardo Silva; Juárez Lagunes, Francisco Indalecio; Vélez Terranova, Oscar Mauricio; Mejía de Tafur, María Sara
| | | | · Quality of light from fluorescent lamps in cucumber growth and severity of Oidium sp. Zazueta-Torres, Norma Delia; Yáñez-Juárez, Moisés Gilberto; Ayala-Tafoya, Felipe; Velázquez-Alcaraz, Teresa de Jesús; López-Orona, Carlos Alfonso; Díaz-Valdés, Tomás
| | | | · Potential use of prickly pear glochids as a substrate for the production of Pleurotus sp. mycelium. de Jesús-Rivera, L.; Álvarez-Sánchez, María Edna; Ramírez-Pérez, F.; Maldonado-Torres, Ranferi; Bandala-Muñoz, Víctor Manuel
| | | | · Impact of climate change on agriculture in Irrigation District 005 Chihuahua, Mexico Lucero López, Claudia Yessenia; Castruita Esparza, Luis Ubaldo; Legarreta González, Martín Alfredo; Olivas García, Jesús Miguel; Uranga Valencia, Luisa Patricia; Lujan-Álvarez, Concepción
| | | | · Network flow optimization in the formulation of an investment project in Tecamachalco, Puebla Medel-Chávez, Gonzalo; Arana-Coronado, Oscar Antonio; García-Sánchez, Roberto; Valdivia-Alcalá, Ramón
| | | | · Identification of endophytic fungi of Ageratina pichinchensis with antagonistic activity against phytopathogens of agricultural importance Camacho-Luna, Valeria; Rodríguez-Hernández, Aida Aracelí; Rodríguez-Monroy, Mario; Norma, Robledo; Sepúlveda-Jiménez, Gabriela
| | | | · Forage and seed production of eight grasses at the establishment in Tulancingo, Hidalgo Álvarez-Vázquez, Perpetuo; Rojas-García, Adelaido Rafael; Joaquin-Cancino, Santiago; Velázquez-Martínez, Mauricio; Rodríguez-Ortega, Leodan Tadeo; Hernández-Guzmán, Filogonio Jesús
| | | | · Effect of mineral N and N2 on nitrogen nutrition in soybean plant Zúñiga-Estrada, Lamberto; Torres, Juan Luis Tirado; Guillén-Enríquez, Reyna Roxana; Cruz-Lazaro, Efrain de la; Nava-Santos, Juan Manuel; Rangel, Pablo Preciado
| | | | · Structure and floristic list of a range in Guadalupe Cuautepec, Oaxaca Matus-Santos, Elvia Itzel; Lozano-Trejo, Salvador; Hernández-Bautista, Jorge; Castañeda-Hidalgo, Ernesto; Santiago-Martínez, Gisela Margarita; Villegas-Aparicio, Yuri
| | | | · Soil and foliar nutritional diagnosis in corn cultivation Pacheco-Sangerman, Fresia; Prado-Hernández, Víctor; Maldonado-Torres, Ranferi; Robledo-Santoyo, Edmundo
| | | | · Expansion volume of amaranth grain in local populations and improved varieties Ramírez-Pérez, Ana Rosa; Ortiz-Torres, Enrique; Argumedo-Macías, Adrián; O-Olán, Micaela De la; Ocampo-Fletes, Ignacio
| | | | · Physiological response and quality of mango cv Ataulfo infected with Colletotrichum spp. Jiménez-Maldonado, María Isabel; Tovar-Pedraza, Juan Manuel; León-Félix, Josefina; Muy-Rangel, María Dolores; Islas-Osuna, María Auxiliadora
| | | | · Productive potential of rice ‘Lombardía FLAR 13’, genotype of long and thin grain of the rice-growing area of Michoacán Álvarez-Hernández, Juan Carlos; Tapia-Vargas, Luis Mario; Hernández-Aragón, Leonardo; Tavitas-Fuentes, Leticia; Apaez-Barrios, Maricela
| | | Essays | | | | · Mathematical modeling and simulation: a tool for crop protection Duran-Peralta, Elisa; Acuayte-Valdes, Erik; Acuayte-Valdes, María del Consuelo; Hernández-López, Juan Carlos; López-Cruz, Irineo Lorenzo
| | | Investigation notes | | | | · By-product of the wine industry for control of Meloidogyne javanica Reiner, Driéli Aparecida; Dallemole-Giaretta, Rosangela; dos Santos, Idalmir; Ferreira, Paulo Afonso; Chiamulera Deifeld, Felipe Luiz; Lopes, Everaldo Antônio
| | | | · Price hedging for coffee, using the futures market Barrios-Puente, Gerónimo; Galván-Manuel, Oscar; Pérez-Soto, Francisco; Sangerman-Jarquín, Dora Ma.; García-Sánchez, Roberto Carlos
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