| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.9 n.2 Texcoco Feb./Mar. 2018 Articles | | | | · Composting agroindustrial waste inoculated with lignocellulosic fungi and modifying the C/N ratio Méndez-Matías, Artemio; Robles, Celerino; Ruiz-Vega, Jaime; Castañeda-Hidalgo, Ernesto
| | | | · Effect of biofertilizers on the assimilation of nitrogen by the wheat crop Grageda-Cabrera, Oscar Arath; González-Figueroa, Sarahyt Santamaría; Vera-Nuñez, José Antonio; Aguirre-Medina, Juan Francisco; Peña-Cabriales, Juan José
| | | | · Effect of the fractionation of the nitrogen fertilization applied to the wheat crop on the quality of its seed González-Figueroa, Sarahyt Santamaría; Aguirre-Mancilla, Cesar Leobardo; Covarrubias-Prieto, Jorge; Cervantes Ortiz, Francisco; Grageda-Cabrera, Oscar Arath
| | | | · Potential of Aclepias curassavica L. (Apocynaceae) in the biological control of pests Godoy-Ceja, Carlos Alberto; Cortez-Madrigal, Hipolito
| | | | · Response of oat genotypes to infection by Puccinia graminis f. sp. Avenae in the high valleys of Mexico Leyva-Mir, Santos Gerardo; Villaseñor-Mir, Héctor Eduardo; Camacho-Tapia, Moisés; Ávila-Quezada, Graciela Dolores; García-León, Elizabeth; Tovar-Pedraza, Juan Manuel
| | | | · Fungistasis of essential oil extracted from a Tagetes lucida population of Hidalgo, México López López, Edgar; Peña Ortega, Margarita Gisela; Colinas León, María Teresa Beryl; Díaz Cedillo, Francisco; Serrato Cruz, Miguel Ángel
| | | | · Productive behavior of perennial ryegrass alone and associated with ovillo grass and white clover Mendoza Pedroza, Sergio Iban; Hernández Garay, Alfonso; Rojas García, Adelaido Rafael; Vaquera Huerta, Humberto; Ramírez Reynoso, Omar; Castro Rivera, Rigoberto
| | | | · Effect of number of stems in the production and quality of tomato grown in greenhouse Mendoza-Pérez, Cándido; Ramírez-Ayala, Carlos; Martínez-Ruiz, Antonio; Rubiños-Panta, Juan Enrique; Trejo, Carlos; Vargas-Orozco, Alejandra Gabriela
| | | | · Influence of rhizobacteria in production and nutraceutical quality of tomato fruits under greenhouse conditions González Rodríguez, Gabriela; Espinosa Palomeque, Bernardo; Cano Ríos, Pedro; Moreno Reséndez, Alejandro; Leos Escobedo, Lucio; Sánchez Galván, Homero; Sáenz Mata, Jorge
| | | | · Production and commercialization of piloncillo:case of the community of Aldzulup Poytzen, San Luis Potosí Baca del Moral, Julio; Cuevas Reyes, Venancio; Rosales Nieto, César A.; Rivera Martínez, Gerardo
| | | | · Analysis of costs and competitiveness in avocado production in Michoacán, Mexico Franco Sánchez, Mario Alberto; Leos Rodríguez, Juan Antonio; Salas González, José María; Acosta Ramos, Marcelo; García Munguía, Argelia
| | | | · Genetic variability in some cultivated and wild amaranth species Ruiz Hernández, Víctor Cuauhtémoc; Legaría Solano, Juan Porfirio; Sahagún Castellanos, Jaime; de la O Olan, Micaela
| | | | · Evaluation of the production cost of neotropical ectomycorrhizal inoculants based on spores Carrasco Hernández, Violeta; Rodríguez Trejo, Dante Arturo; Pérez Moreno, Jesús; Duarte Zaragoza, Víctor Manuel; Navarro Sandoval, José Luis; Quintero Lizaola, Roberto
| | | | · Metabolic diversity of edaphic microorganisms associated with corn cultivation in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora Parra-Cota, Fannie Isela; Coronel-Acosta, Claudia-Brizeida; Amézquita-Avilés, Carlos Femando; Santos-Villalobos, Sergio de los; Escalante-Martínez, Daniela Ivonne
| | | Essays | | | | · The discursive construction of agri-food heritage in contemporary societies: conceptual approaches and theoretical debates Blas-Yañez, Sandra; Thomé-Ortiz, Humberto; Espinoza Ortega, Angélica; Vizcarra Bordi, Ivonne
| | | Investigation note | | | | · Biological effectiveness of Nemmax nematicide in the cultivation of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Cepeda-Siller, Melchor; Cerna-Chávez, Ernesto; Ochoa-Fuentes, Yisa María; Dávila Medina, Miriam Desireé; Garrido Cruz, Fabiola; Hernández Juárez, Agustín
| | | | · Diagnosis of beef production systems for meat in Tejupilco, State of Mexico Rodríguez Mejía, Sergio; Flores Sánchez, Diego; León Merino, Aurelio; Pérez Hernández, Luz María; Aguilar Ávila, Jorge
| | | | · Diversity of weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in orchards of pecanero walnut in the north of Coahuila, Mexico Soto-Hernández, Macotulio; Barros-Barrios, Mayelis María
| | | Description of cultivars | | | | · HAP14F: hybrid of ancho poblano pepper for the Altiplano de México Santiago López, Ulises; Ramírez Meraz, Moisés; Méndez Aguilar, Reinaldo
| | | | · Jaguar: cultivate habanero pepper for Mexico Ramírez Meraz, Moisés; Arcos Cavazos, Gerardo; Méndez Aguilar, Reinaldo
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