| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.8 n.8 Texcoco Nov./Dec. 2017 Articles | | | | · Relationship of dieldrin and soil properties in Comarca Lagunera, Mexico García Carrillo, Mario; Luna Ortega, J. Guadalupe; González Torres, Anselmo; González Zamora, Alberto; Gallegos Robles, Miguel Ángel; Vázquez Vázquez, Cirilo; Cervantes Vázquez, María Gabriela; González Salas, Uriel
| | | | · Dry matter yield and phosphorus concentration of an association Brachiaria humidicola-Stylosanthes guianensis Domínguez-Pérez, Félix Daniel; Bolaños-Aguilar, Eduardo Daniel; Lagunes-Espinoza, Luz del Carmen; Salgado-García, Sergio; Ramos-Juárez, Jesús; Guerrero-Rodríguez, Juan de Dios
| | | | · Design, construction and evaluation of a solar dryer for Ataulfo mango Iglesias Díaz, Roilan; José Gómez, Reynaldo Alonso; Lastres Danguillecourt, Orlando; López de Paz, Pascual; Farrera Vázquez, Nein; Ibáñez Duharte, Guillermo Rogelio
| | | | · Emission of greenhouse gases from nitrogen fertilization in Mexico González-Estrada, Adrián; Camacho Amador, Maricela
| | | | · Yield and quality of habanero chili (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) by effect of nutritional regimen López-Gómez, José Daniel; Villegas-Torres, Oscar Gabriel; Sotelo Nava, Héctor; Andrade Rodríguez, María; Juárez López, Porfirio; Martínez Fernández, Edgar
| | | | · Organic-mineral fertilization of amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.) Romero Romano, Carlos Osvaldo; Ocampo Mendoza, Juventino; Sandoval Castro, Engelberto; Navarro Garza, Hermilio; Franco Mora, Omar; Calderón Sánchez, Francisco
| | | | · Species of Hemiptera-Heteroptera associated to Opuntia spp. and Nopalea spp. in the Mexican Chihuahuense Desert Rocha Flores, Rosa Gloria; García Martínez, Oswaldo; Villarreal Quintanilla, José Ángel; Sánchez Peña, Sergio Rene
| | | | · Mycobiota and Metarhizium isolated of borer worm larvae from the ruezno (Cydia caryana) Rosales Macias, Diana; Samaniego-Gaxiola, José Alfredo; Márquez Guerrero, Selenne Yuridia; Gaytán Mascorro, Arturo; Chew Madinaveitia, Yasmín; Crispín del Río, Zaida
| | | | · Climate change affects the number of hours in the thermal ranges of chilli in North-Central Mexico Medina-García, Guillermo; Mena-Covarrubias, Jaime; Ruiz-Corral, José Ariel; Rodríguez-Moreno, Víctor Manuel; Soria-Ruiz, Jesús
| | | | · Development of a web application to evaluate agricultural crops through the MAP method Vásquez-García, Adela; Sangerman-Jarquín, Dora Ma.; Reyes Muro, Luis
| | | | · Postharvest changes in beans during prolonged storage in contrast to accelerated aging Jacinto-Hernández, Carmen; Bernal-Lugo, Irma; Garza-García, Ramón; Garza García, Dagoberto
| | | | · Diagnosis of the current situation of white mango flake Noriega-Cantú, David Heriberto; Urías-López, Mario Alfonso; López-Guillén, Guillermo; González Acuña, Irma; Álvarez Bravo, Arturo
| | | | · Geographic distribution and damage estimate of white scale of mango in Chiapas, Mexico López-Guillén, Guillermo; Noriega Cantú, David; Urías López, Mario A.
| | | Essays | | | | · Isolation and diagnosis protocols of Phytophthora spp. applied research approach Soto Plancarte, Alejandro; Rodríguez Alvarado, Gerardo; Fernández Pavía, Yolanda Leticia; Pedraza Santos, Martha Elena; López Pérez, Luis; Díaz Celaya, Marlene; Fernández Pavía, Sylvia Patricia
| | | Investigation note | | | | · Common pathogens of garlic seed in Aguascalientes and Zacatecas, Mexico Velásquez-Valle, Rodolfo; Macias-Valdez, Luis Martín; Reveles-Hernández, Manuel
| | | Description of cultivars | | | | · V-561: a new tropical maize variety Coutiño Estrada, Bulmaro; Vidal Martínez, Víctor Antonio; Vázquez Carrillo, Gricelda
| | | | · H-383: intermediate white maize hybrid for grain and fodder for northern, central and western Mexico Peña Ramos, Alfonso; Iván Santana, Omar; Briones Reyes, Dolores; Ramírez Díaz, José Luis; Vidal Martínez, Víctor Antonio; Ledesma Miramontes, Alejandro
| | | | · Huasteca 600: soya variety for the south of Tamaulipas Maldonado Moreno, Nicolás; Ascencio Luciano, Guillermo; García Rodríguez, Julio César
| | | | · Improved blue corn variety ‘V-239AZ’ for the regions semi-warm of Guerrero Gómez Montiel, Noel Orlando; Cantú Almaguer, Miguel Ángel; Vázquez Carrillo, María Gricelda; Hernández Galeno, César del Ángel; Aragón Cuevas, Flavio; Espinosa Calderón, Alejandro; Tadeo Robledo, Margarita
| | | | · Cisne F2016: new strong gluten wheat bread variety for El Bajío, Mexico Solís Moya, Ernesto; Huerta Espino, Julio; Pérez Herrera, Patricia; Villaseñor Mir, Héctor Eduardo; Ramírez Ramírez, Aquilino; Ledesma Ramírez, Lourdes
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