| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.5 n.spe10 Texcoco Nov./Dec. 2014 Articles | | | | · Projections of climate change and productive potential for Salvia hispanica L. in agricultural areas of Mexico Orozco de Rosas, Guillermo; Durán Puga, Noé; González Eguiarte, Diego Raymundo; Zarazúa Villaseñor, Patricia; Ramírez Ojeda, Gabriela; Mena Munguía, Salvador
| | | | · Indices of temperature extremes in the South Gulf Coastal Plains in Mexico Zarazúa Villaseñor, Patricia; Ruiz Corral, José Ariel; Ramírez Ojeda, Gabriela; Medina García, Guillermo; Rodríguez Moreno, Víctor Manuel; Mora Orozco, Celia de la; Flores López, Hugo; Durán Puga, Noé
| | | | · Using the Newhall model to depict the impacts of climate change on soil moisture in Jalisco, Mexico Topete Ángel, Jorge Pedro; Ruiz Corral, José Ariel; Ron Parra, José; González Eguiarte, Diego Raymundo; Ramírez Ojeda, Gabriela; Durán Puga, Noé
| | | | · Climate Change in Mexico and potential distribution of racial groups conical maize Ruiz Corral, José Ariel; Sánchez González, José de Jesús; Ramírez Ojeda, Gabriela; Ramírez Díaz, José Luis; Durán Puga, Noé; Cruz Larios, Lino de la; Medina García, Guillermo; Rodríguez Moreno, Víctor; Zarazúa Villaseñor, Patricia
| | | | · Impact of climate change on the geographic distribution of Gossypium hirsutum L. in Mexico Ramírez-Ojeda, Gabriela; Ruiz-Corral, José Ariel; Pérez-Mendoza, Claudia; Villavicencio-García, Raymundo; Mena Munguía, Salvador; Durán-Puga, Noé
| | | | · Hydro-climatic variability reconstructed from tree rings for the upper watershed of the Mezquital River, Durango Villanueva Díaz, José; Cerano Paredes, Julián; Rosales Mata, Sergio; Arrocena López, Juan Carlos; Stahle, D. W.; Ruiz Corral, José Ariel; Martínez Sifuentes, Aldo R.
| | | | · Climate change influence on the development of pests and diseases of crops in Sonora Grageda Grageda, José; Ruiz Corral, José Ariel; Jiménez Lagunes, Alejandro; Fu Castillo, Agustín Alberto
| | | | · Effect of the ENSO condition in the frequency and intensity of rainfall events in the Baja California peninsula (1998-2012) Rodríguez-Moreno, Víctor Manuel; Ruíz-Corral, José Ariel; Medina-García, Guillermo; Padilla-Ramírez, José Saúl; Gunter Kretzschmar, Thomas
| | | | · Potential impact of climate change on the peach producing region in Zacatecas, Mexico Medina-García, Guillermo; Ruiz-Corral, José Ariel; Zegbe, Jorge A.; Soria Ruiz, Jesús; Rodríguez Moreno, Víctor; Díaz Padilla, Gabriel
| | | | · Stimulation of rain using silver iodide cloud-seeding over northern central Mexico during the 2012 wet season Medina-García, Guillermo; Echavarría-Chairez, Francisco G.; Díaz-Padilla, Gabriel; Ruiz-Corral, José Ariel; Soria-Ruiz, Jesús; Sánchez-Cohen, Ignacio
| | | | · Spatiotemporal behaviour of the reference evapotranspiration in Mexico Ruíz Álvarez, Osías; Corrales Suastegui, Arturo; González Jasso, Luis Antonio; Díaz García, Luis Antonio; Narváez Mendoza, Mario P.; Ontiveros Capurata, Ronald Ernesto; Ruíz Corral, José Ariel
| | | | · Reconstructed volumes in dams of the Valle del Yaqui with annual rings of conifers Villanueva Díaz, José; Cerano Paredes, Julián; Gómez Guerrero, Armando; Castruita Esparza, Luis Ubaldo; Stahle, David W.; Ruiz Corral, José Ariel
| | | | · Climate change impact on the evaporation trends in the dam La Vega, Teuchitlán, Jalisco, Mexico Mora Orozco, Celia De La; Flores López, Hugo Ernesto; Ruíz Corral, José Ariel; Chávez Durán, Álvaro Agustín; Figueroa Montaño, Arturo
| | | | · Applying the model EPIC to assess the impact of climate change and management practices on grain yield in rainfed maize Flores López, Hugo Ernesto; Ruíz Corral, José Ariel; Mora Orozco, Celia de la; Zarazúa-Villaseñor, Patricia; Chávez Durán, Álvaro Agustín; Ramírez Vega, Humberto; Velásquez Valle, Miguel Agustín
| | | | · Sensitivity of bioclimatic zones of Mexico facing climate change Chávez Durán, Álvaro Agustín; Flores López, Hugo Ernesto; Mora Orozco, Celia de la; Ruíz Corral, José Ariel; Ramírez Ojeda, Gabriela; Rubio Camacho, Ernesto
| | | | · Maize response to the environmental impact occurred in the stages of flowering and vegetative cycle Álvarez-Bravo, Arturo; Vidal-Martínez, Víctor Antonio; Bojorquez-Serrano, José Irán; García-Paredes, Diego
| | | | · Effects of climate change on the wine production potential of Baja California, Mexico Valenzuela Solano, César; Ruiz Corral, José Ariel; Ramírez Ojeda, Gabriela; Hernández Martínez, Rufina
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