| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.5 n.4 Texcoco Jun./Aug. 2014 Articles | | | | · Groundwater flow and concentration of salts in agricultural soils Coras Merino, Pablo Miguel; Ontiveros Capurata, Ronald; Diakite Diakite, Lamine
| | | | · Thinning intensity and fruit quality in peach cv Baby Gold 8 Parra-Quezada, Rafael Ángel; Jacobo-Cuellar, Juan Luis; Castro-Aguilar, Josefina; Salmerón-Zamora, José Juan
| | | | · Genetic diversity among potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum L.) grown in Mexico, using RAPD and ISSR markers Onamu, Rose; Legaria Solano, Juan Porfirio
| | | | · Malt friability and quality prediction in malting barley breeding (Hordeum vulgare L.) Huerta Zurita, Ramón; Zamora Díaz, Mauro R.; Solano Hernández, Salomón; López Cano, Martha Laura
| | | | · Cymbopogon nardus oil and Pelargonium citrosum as repellents for Culex quinquefasciatus Aragón García, Agustín; De Vega Lotzin, José Luis; Pérez-Torres, Betzabeth Cecilia; Damián Huato, Miguel Ángel; Romero Arenas, Omar; López Olguín, Jesús Francisco
| | | | · Inorganic supplementation of organic fertilization in Pistachio: effect on foliar nutrient dynamics and yield Hernández-Sigala, Rolando; Sánchez Chávez, Esteban; Guerrero Morales, Sergio; Rivas Lucero, Bertha Alicia; Anchondo Najera, Álvaro
| | | | · Agricultural and livestock production value in Mexico: sources of growth, 1980-2010 Brambila-Paz, José de Jesús; Martínez-Damían, Miguel Ángel; Rojas-Rojas, María Magdalena; Pérez-Cerecedo, Verónica
| | | | · Marketing of Mexican cycads (Zamiaceae) in Atlixco, Puebla: An exploratory study Mayett Moreno, Yésica; Castañeda, Edith Salomé; Barajas Dominguez, Ma. Isabel
| | | | · Short term effect of site-specific fertilization in rainfed 'Kent' and 'Tommy Atkins' mangos Salazar-García, Samuel; Santillán-Valladolid, Gregorio; Hernández-Valdés, Edgardo Federico; Medina-Torres, Raúl; Ibarra-Estrada, Martha Elva; Gómez-Aguilar, Roberto
| | | | · Haplotypes of parasitoid Tamarixia radiata (Waterston) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in citrus in the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico Peña-Carrillo, Kenzy Ivveth; González-Hernández, Alejandro; López-Arroyo, José Isabel; Varela-Fuentes, Sostenes
| | | Essay | | | | · Considerations for improving competitiveness of the "El Bajío" region in domestic strawberry production León López, Luis; Guzmán-Ortíz, Dora Linda Asunción; García Berumen, José Abraham; Chávez Marmolejo, Carlos Gerardo; Peña-Cabriales, Juan José
| | | Investigation notes | | | | · Analysis of vegetable production and marketing, Huixcolotla market case, Puebla Arvizu Barrón, Ezequiel; Jiménez Sánchez, Leobardo; Jiménez Velázquez, Mercedes A.; Quispe Limaylla, Anibal; Villa Issa, Manuel R.; Ávila Dorantes, José A.
| | | | · Trace elements in fertilizers and manure used in organic and conventional agriculture Rodríguez Ortiz, Juan Carlos; Alcalá Jáuregui, Jorge Alonso; Hernández Montoya, Alejandra; Rodríguez Fuentes, Humberto; Ruiz Espinoza, Francisco H.; García Hernández, José Luis; Díaz Flores, Paola Elizabeth
| | | | · Quality for pozole in Cacahuacintle maize populations from High Valleys of Puebla, Mexico Hernández Galeno, César del Ángel; Salinas Moreno, Yolanda; López, Pedro Antonio; Santacruz Varela, Amalio; Castillo González, Fernando; Corona Torres, Tarsicio
| | | | · Sorghum plant characteristics and yield and its interaction with mycorrhizal fungi under irrigation and rainfed conditions Díaz Franco, Arturo; Peña del Río, María de los Ángeles
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