| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.4 n.7 Texcoco Sep./Nov. 2013 Articles | | | | · Yield and quality of oat seed in function of date and plant density Bobadilla Meléndez, Mirna; Gámez Vázquez, Alfredo J.; Ávila Perches, Miguel A.; García Rodriguez, Juan J.; Espitia Rangel, Eduardo; Moran Vázquez, Nicolás; Covarrubias Prieto, Jorge
| | | | · Diversity of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in southeastern Coahuila Rosales-López, Asunción; Flores-Dávila, Mariano; Aguirre-Uribe, Luis A.; González Villegas, Rebeca; Villegas-Jiménez, Nancy; Vega-Ortíz, Héctor Enrique
| | | | · Hybrids and synthetic varieties of blue corn for Central Highlands of Mexico: agronomic potential and yield stability Arellano Vázquez, José Luis; Rojas Martínez, Israel; Gutiérrez Hernández, Germán Fernando
| | | | · Practical and theoretical implications of the new rurality in Frailesca, Chiapas, Mexico Cadena Iñiguez, Pedro; Camas Gómez, Robertony; López Báez, Walter; Navarro Garza, Hermilio
| | | | · Resistance to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in transgenic common bean expressing an Arabidopsis thaliana defensin gene Espinosa-Huerta, Elsa; Quintero-Jiménez, Anareli; Sánchez-García, Bertha María; Acosta-Gallegos, Jorge Alberto; Mora-Avilés, María Alejandra
| | | | · Genetic diversity of Rhizoctonia solani isolates (Kuhn) from pepper in Mexico Montero-Tavera, Víctor; Guerrero-Aguilar, Brenda Zulema; Anaya-López, José Luis; Martínez-Martínez, Talina Olivia; Guevara-Olvera, Lorenzo; González-Chavira, Mario Martín
| | | | · In vitro induction of Carica papaya roots through Agrobacterium rhizogenes and 3-indolebutyric acid Bermúdez Guzmán, Manuel de Jesús; Valadez Ramírez, Pedro; Buenrostro Nava, Marco Tulio; Manzo Sánchez, Gilberto; Guzmán González, Salvador
| | | | · Yield and response of soybean varieties to whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) in three planting dates Cortez Mondaca, Edgardo; Pérez Márquez, Jesús; Rodríguez Cota, Franklin Gerardo; Martínez Carrillo, José Luis; Cervantes Cárdenas, Libnih
| | | | · Production of guava [Psidium guajava (L.) Burm.] in the State of Mexico, Mexico Sangerman-Jarquín, Dora Ma.; Larqué Saavedra, Bertha Sofia; Navarro Bravo, Agustín; Schwentesius de Rindermann, Rita; Damián Huato, Miguel Ángel; Cuevas Sánchez, Jesús Axayacatl
| | | Investigation note | | | | · Dynamic analysis of networks in the diffusion of agricultural innovations Díaz-José, Julio; Rendón-Medel, Roberto; Aguilar-Ávila, Jorge; Muñoz-Rodríguez, Manrrubio
| | | | · Fungal diseases associated with the cultivation of oat (Avena sativa L.) in the State of Mexico Leyva-Mir, Santos Gerardo; Sillas-Covarrubias, Refugio; Villaseñor-Mir, Héctor Eduardo; Mariscal-Amaro, Luis Antonio; Rodríguez García, María Florencia
| | | | · Analysis of rural finance policy in Mexico 1990-2010 Guadalupe Eligio, Filiberto; Gómez Gómez, Alma Alicia
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