| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.4 n.3 Texcoco Apr./May. 2013 Articles | | | | · Survival of the sclerotia of Phymatotrichopsis omnivora as a function of pH in vitro Samaniego Gaxiola, José Alfredo
| | | | · Effect of agricultural practices on soil bacterial populations in cropping systems in Chihuahua, Mexico Hernández-Flores, Lina; Munive-Hernández, J. Antonio; Sandoval-Castro, Engelberto; Martínez-Carrera, Daniel; Villegas-Hernández, Ma. Carmen
| | | | · Regularities of the cyclical fluctuations of agricultural production in Mexico González-Estrada, Adrián; Hernández Espinosa, Ana Lilia
| | | | · Virulence of monosporic isolates of Isaria fumosorosea on immatures of Bemisia tabaci Ruiz Sánchez, Esaú; Chan Cupul, Wilberth; Cristóbal Alejo, Jairo; Tun Suárez, José María; Pérez Gutiérrez, Alfonzo; Lara Reyna, Joel
| | | | · Effect of density in single and double row arrangements on the yield of dryland beans in Chihuahua, Mexico Jiménez Galindo, José Cruz; Acosta Gallegos, Jorge Alberto
| | | | · Biological attributes of two Quibor soils with addition of organic fertilizer and salt solutions Mendoza, Betty; Florentino, Adriana; Hernández-Hernández, Rosa Mary; Aciego, Juan; Torres, Duilio; Vera, Elena
| | | | · Study of the main pests of nance [Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) HBK] in Nayarit, Mexico Medina-Torres, Raúl; Juárez-López, Porfirio; Salazar-García, Samuel; Valdivia-Bernal, Roberto
| | | | · The effects of climate change on the phenology of corn in the RDD-Toluca Granados Ramírez, Rebeca; Sarabia Rodríguez, Asael Alejandro
| | | | · Level of technology adoption of small-scale tomato producers in the state of Oaxaca Ortiz Jiménez, Bersaín; Jiménez Sánchez, Leobardo; Morales Guerra, Mariano; Quispe Limaylla, Anibal; Turrent Fernández, Antonio; Rendón Sánchez, Gilberto; Rendón Medel, Roberto
| | | | · Production and marketing of pecan nuts (Carya illinoensis Koch) in northern Coahuila, Mexico Orona Castillo, Ignacio; Sangerman-Jarquín, Dora Ma.; Fortis Hernández, Manuel; Vázquez Vázquez, Cirilo; Gallegos Robles, Miguel Ángel
| | | Investigation notes | | | | · Economic efficiency of vanilla curing (Vanilla planifolia J.) in the Totonacapán region, Mexico Jaramillo Villanueva, José Luis; Escobedo Garrido, José Sergio; Barrera Rodríguez, Ariadna; Herrera Cabrera, Braulio Edgar
| | | | · Presence of transgenic proteins and their effect on the content of tannins and aflatoxins in commercial corn Peña Betancourt, Silvia Denise
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