| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.2 n.5 Texcoco Sep./Oct. 2011 Articles | | | | · Control of two species of Colletotrichum causing anthracnose in Maradol papaya fruits Santamaría Basulto, Felipe; Díaz Plaza, Raúl; Gutiérrez Alonso, Omar; Santamaría Fernández, Jorge; Larqué Saavedra, Alfonso
| | | | · Variation in tolerance to disinfectants of elite genotypes of Coffea spp. cultivated in vitro López-Gómez, Pablo; Iracheta-Donjuan, Leobardo; Castellanos-Juárez, Marbella; Méndez-López, Ismael; Aguirre-Medina, Juan Francisco; Gutiérrez-Díez, Adriana; Ojeda-Zacarías, Ma. del Carmen; Pérez-Pérez, Bernardito Ribai
| | | | · Prototype for automating a multicropping irrigation system Lugo Espinosa, Oziel; Quevedo Nolasco, Abel; Bauer Mengelberg, Juan R.; Valle Paniagua, David Hebert del; Palacios Vélez, Enrique; Águila Marín, Miguel
| | | | · Fruit and seed development of five varieties of husk tomato in Sinaloa Rodríguez-Burgos, Alejo; Ayala-Garay, Oscar Javier; Hernández Livera, Adrián; Leal-León, Víctor Manuel; Cortez-Mondaca, Edgardo
| | | | · Blends of waxy with normal maize and their effect on tortilla quality Salinas-Moreno, Yolanda; Castillo-Linares, Erika Belem; Vázquez-Carrillo, María Gricelda; Buendía-González, María Ofelia
| | | | · Evaluation of maize native population in environments with frosts in High Valleys, Puebla Pérez-de la Luz, Ricardo; López-Sánchez, Higinio; López, Pedro Antonio; Gil-Muñoz, Abel; Santacruz-Varela, Amalio; Guerrero-Rodríguez, Juan de Dios
| | | | · Incorporation of ecological accounts and environmental services in social accounting matrices González Estrada, Adrián; Camacho Amador, Maricela; Sangerman-Jarquín, Dora Ma
| | | | · Leaf lamina anatomy of eight avocado cultivars González-Calderón, Víctor Manuel; Barrientos-Priego, Alejandro Facundo; Núñez-Colín, Carlos Alberto; Ramírez-Ramírez, Sweetia Paulina; Hofshi, Reuben; Arpaia, Mary Lu
| | | | · Intervarietal maize crosses for the semi-warm region of Guerrero, México Palemón Alberto, Francisco; Gómez Montiel, Noel Orlando; Castillo González, Fernando; Ramírez Vallejo, Porfirio; Molina Galán, José Domingo; Miranda Colín, Salvador
| | | Investigation notes | | | | · Evaluation under rainfed conditions of durum wheat varieties generated for irrigation Villaseñor Mir, Héctor Eduardo; Limón Ortega, Agustín; Rodríguez García, María Florencia; Martínez Cruz, Eliel; Santa Rosa, René Hortelano; Mariscal Amaro, Luis Antonio
| | | | · Climatic characterization of Monaicito River's micro-basin, sub-basin of Motatán-Carache River Pineda Contreras, Neida; Arellano Godoy, Rosalva; Becerra Sánchez, Ligia; Aular Villegas, María Eugenia; Azuaje Valera, Milton; Pimentel Mendoza, José; Jaimes Cárdenas, Edgar
| | | Description of cultivars | | | | · Donají: new coconut hybrid resistant to lethal yellowing in Mexico Serrano Altamirano, Víctor; Cortazar Ríos, Matilde; Ovando Cruz, Manuel Enrique
| | | | · Perla-101: new sorghum cultivar for the state of Sinaloa Hernández Espinal, Luis Alberto; Moreno Gallegos, Tomás; Reyes Jiménez, Juan Esteban; Loaiza Meza, Alfredo
| | | | · Costeño-201: a new variety of rianfed sorghum of dual purpose in Sinaloa Hernández Espinal, Luis Alberto; Moreno Gallegos, Tomás; Reyes Jiménez, Juan Esteban; Loaiza Meza, Alfredo
| | | | · CIANO-LIN: a new cultivar of linoleic safflower Borbón-Gracia, Alberto; Ochoa-Espinoza, Xochitl Militza; Montoya-Coronado, Lope; Pérez Márquez, Jesús; García Camarena, María Guadalupe
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