Articles |
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| · An analysis of safety and health at work in the cuban business system Céspedes Socarrás, Gustavo Manuel; Martínez Cumbrera, Jorge Manuel
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| · The ordinary retirement age reduced of the airline pilots from the perspective of the sustainability of the social security system in Spain Elorza Guerrero, Fernando
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| · Social justice from a new perspective on justice study of the intenatinal labor organizatin's mandate according to the modern concept of justice Hernández Pulido, J. Ricardo
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| · Mexican migrant workers in Canada Kurczyn Villalobos, Patricia; Pastrana González, Miguel Ángel
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| · Employment and social protection, two sides of same coin? reflections on the regulation of domestic service in Argentina Poblete, Lorena
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| · The Mexican Institute of Social Insurance before payment medical expenses incurred by beneficiaries abroad Romero Reyes, Alejandro
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| · The human right to work of migrants Ruiz Moreno, Ángel Guillermo
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| · Past and present of labour law in latinamerica and the mishaps of the employment relationship Villasmil Prieto, Humberto
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Comments |
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| · About the porfiriano anniversary. An approach on the surveying companies in times of porfirio díaz Guerrero Galvan, Luis René
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| · Trade union transparency in the use of public funds Kurczyn Villalobos, Patricia
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Reviews |
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| · Mugnolo, Juan Pablo y Zavala Gamboa, Óscar (coords.), Panorama del derecho del trabajo y de la seguridad social en América Latina Cilia Luna, Gloria del Mar; Aparicio Velázquez, José Alfonso
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| · Sánchez Castañeda, Alfredo y Morales Ramírez, María Ascensión, El derecho a la seguridad social y a la protección social Camacho Solís, Julio Ismael
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| · Mangarelli, Cristina, Acoso y violencia en el trabajo. Enfoque jurídico Delgado Rivera, Carlos Eduardo
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