| Tabla de contenido J. Mex. Chem. Soc vol.60 no.4 Ciudad de México oct./dic. 2016 Artículos | | | | · Synthesis of Xanthene Derivatives using Template-containing Zn/MCM-41 as a Green and Reusable Catalyst; Effect of the Template Pirouzmand, Mahtab; Gharehbaba, Adel Mahmoudi; Ghasemi, Zarrin
| | | | · Development and ICH Validation of a RP-HPLC-UV Method for the Quantification of Thimerosal in Topic Creams Pérez-Caballero, Guadalupe; Muro-Hidalgo, Nancy; Morales-Hipólito, Elvia Adriana; Villaseñor, Alma; López-Arellano, Raquel
| | | | · Synthesis and Characterization of Three New di-n-butyl [bis (alkyl-aminopropionic acid)]tin (IV) Nieto-Alvarez, David Aaron; Zamudio-Rivera, Luis S.; Hernández-Altamirano, Raúl; Mena-Cervantes, Violeta Y; Barba, Victor; Flores-Sandoval, César
| | | | · Carbon Nitride Nanotube as a Chemical Sensor for Melamine: A Theoretical Study Moradi, Reza; Hosseini, Javad
| | | | · Preparation of Silica Supported Ionic Liquids for Highly Selective Hydroxylation of Aromatics with Hydrogen Peroxide under Solvent-free Conditions Hu, Yu Lin; Fang, Dong
| | | | · Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue with ZnO Nanoparticles; a Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study Irani, Mehdi; Mohammadi, Tahereh; Mohebbi, Sajjad
| | | | · Hydrate Equilibrium Modelling with the Cubic two-state Equation of State Galicia-Andrés, Edgar; Medeiros, Milton
| | | | · Chalcopyrite Leaching in Acidic Chloride Solution without Sulphates Recalde Chiluiza, Eduardo Luis; Navarro Donoso, Patricio
| | | | · Paired Electrochemical Processes: Overview, Systematization, Selection Criteria, Design Strategies, and Projection Ibanez, Jorge G.; Frontana-Uribe, Bernardo A.; Vasquez-Medrano, Rubén
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