| Tabla de contenido J. Mex. Chem. Soc vol.50 no.3 Ciudad de México jul./sep. 2006 Editorial Delgado, Guillermo
| | | Notas Sobre la Obra Científica del Dr. Pedro Joseph-Nathan el Ámbito Latinoamericano Morales-Ríos, Martha S.; Cerda-García-Rojas, Carlos M.
| | | Notes on Dr. Pedro Joseph-Nathan's scientific work in the Latin America scenery Morales-Ríos, Martha S.; Cerda-García-Rojas, Carlos M.
| | | Semblanza Sucinta de Pedro Joseph Nathan Fernández Barrero, Alejandro
| | | Profesor Dr. Pedro Joseph Nathan: Una Semblanza Catalán, César A. N.
| | | Artículos | | | | · Unusual Isomerisation of Cubebene Jankowski, Christopher K.; Savoie, Alain; Lesage, Denis; Paré, J. R. Jocelyn; Bélanger, Jacqueline M. R.; Pereira, Maria de Fatima; Thiéry, Valérie; Besson, Thierry; Maciejak, Olek; Toma, Flavio; Mauclairee, Laurent; Liao, Xiangjun
| | | | · Rospiglioside, a New Totarane Diterpene from the Leaves of Retrophyllum rospigliosii Amaro-Luis, Juan M.; Amesty, Ángel E.; Montealegre, Roger; Bahsas, Alí
| | | | · Reaction of 2-Amino-5,10,15,20-Tetraphenylporphyrinatonickel(II) with α,ß-Unsaturated Acyl Chlorides: Synthesis of 2-pyridone-fused Porphyrin Derivatives Alonso, Cristina M. A.; Neves, Maria G. P. M. S.; Tomé, Augusto C.; Silva, Artur M. S.; Cavaleiro, José A. S.
| | | | · Synthesis, NMR and X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Boron Complexes Derived from Hydroxychalcones Reyes, Horacio; García, Ma. Concepción; Flores, Blanca M.; López-Rebolledo, Héctor; Santillán, Rosa; Farfán, Norberto
| | | | · Catalytic Synthesis of 1,3,5-Triphenylbenzenes, β-Methylchalcones and 2,4,6-Triphenyl Pyrylium Salts, Promoted by a Super Acid Triflouromethane Sulfonic Clay from Acetophenones Ruíz-Guerrero, Rosario; Cárdenas, Jorge; Bautista, Lorena; Vargas, Marina; Vázquez-Labastida, Eloy; Salmón, Manuel
| | | | · Conformational and Configurational Analysis of (2R,3S,5R)-2,5-Dimethyltetrahydropyran-3-Carboxylic Acid del Río, Rosa E.; Santillán, Rosa; Sandoval-Ramírez, Jesús; Meza-Reyes, Socorro; Montiel-Smith, Sara; Viñas-Bravo, Omar; Farfán, Norberto
| | | | · Experiments and Modeling of the Cymbopogon winterianus Essential Oil Extraction by Steam Distillation Cassel, Eduardo; Vargas, Rubem M. F.
| | | | · Synthesis of α,β-Epoxysulfoxides: Thermodynamic Control in Base-induced Cyclization of Chlorohydrins Derived from α-Chlorobenzyl Phenyl Sulfoxide and Alkyl Aldehydes García-Martínez, Cirilo; Pérez-Espino, Marco A.; Cervantes-Cuevas, Humberto; Escalante-García, Jaime
| | | | · Screening of Liver Acetone Powders in the Enantioselective Hydrolysis of Naproxen Esters Pacheco, Ana; Luna, Héctor; Solís, Aida; Pérez, Herminia I.; Manjarrez, Norberto
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