| Table of contents Trop. subtrop. agroecosyt vol.14 n.2 Mérida May./Aug. 2011 Review | | | | · Agronomic and forage characteristics of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. Manríquez-Mendoza, Leonor Yalid; López-Ortíz, Silvia; Pérez-Hernández, Ponciano; Ortega- Jiménez, Eusebio; López-Tecpoyotl, Zenón Gerardo; Villarruel-Fuentes, Manuel
| | | | · Phytoremediation: an alternative to eliminate pollution Delgadillo-López, Angélica Evelin; González-Ramírez, César Abelardo; Prieto-García, Francisco; Villagómez-Ibarra, José Roberto; Acevedo-Sandoval, Otilio
| | | Agroecosystems studies | | | | · Competitiveness of Nigerian rice and maize production ecologies: a policy analysis approach Ogbe, Agatha Osivweneta; Okoruwa, Victor Olusegun; Saka, Olaide Jelili
| | | | · Rock phosphate amendment effects on Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) growth and yield Akande, M. O; Makinde, E. A.; Aluko, O. A.; Oluwatoyinbo, F. I.; Adediran, J. A
| | | Research papers | | | | · Performance of a surface flow constructed wetland system used to treat secondary effluent and filter backwash water Vidales-Contreras, J. A.; Gerba, C. P.; Karpisack, M. M.; Rodríguez-Fuentes, H.; Chaidez-Quiroz, C.; Olivares-Sáenz, E
| | | | · Short term effects of tillage-mulch practices under sorghum and soybean on organic carbon and eutrophic status of a degraded ultisol in southeastern Nigeria Obalum, Sunday E.; Okpara, Ifeyinwa M; Obi, Martin E; Wakatsuki, Toshiyuki
| | | | · Productivity analysis of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) production under organic and inorganic fertilizers applications in Doma Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria Umar, H. S.; Okoye, C. U.; Agwale, A. O
| | | | · Protein fractions and In Vitro fermentation of protein feeds for ruminants Guevara-Mesa, A. L.; Miranda-Romero, L. A.; Ramírez-Bribiesca, J. E.; González-Muñoz, S. S.; Crosby-Galvan, M. M.; Hernández-Calva, L. M.; Razo-Rodríguez, O. E. Del
| | | | · Above and below ground interactions in the agroforestal association red cedar-persian lime-chaya Aguilar-Luna, Jesús Mao Estanislao; Solorio-Sánchez, Francisco Javier; Hernández-Daumás, Salvador; Huerta-Lwanga, Esperanza; Macario-Mendoza, Pedro Antonio
| | | | · Molecular pattern of Mycobacterium bovis isolates and its relationship with risk factors associated with the presence of bovine tuberculosis in northern Mexico Padilla-Campos, Isaac F.; Segura-Correa, José C.; Rodríguez-Buenfil, Jorge C.; Morales-Loredo, Alberto; Alvarez-Ojeda, Genoveva
| | | | · Effects of feeding Moringa stenopetala leaf meal on nutrient intake and growth performance of Rhode Island Red chicks under tropical climate Melesse, A.; Tiruneh, W.; Negesse, T
| | | | · Chararterization of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) cropping system in the State of Jalisco, Mexico Cih-Dzul, Imelda Rosana; Jaramillo-Villanueva, José Luis; Tornero-Campante, Mario Alberto; Schwentesius-Rindermann, Rita
| | | | · Problematic in the processes of production in rubber plantations (Hevea brasiliensis) Muell Arg. in Tabasco, Mexico Izquierdo-Bautista, H.; Domínguez-Domínguez, M.; Martinez-Zurimendi, P.; Velázquez-Martínez, A.; Córdova-Ávalos, V
| | | | · Nutritive value, In Vitro fermentation and secondary metabolites of weeds and maize straw used for feeding dairy cattle Martínez-Loperena, R.; Castelán-Ortega, O. A.; González-Ronquillo, M.; Estrada-Flores, J. G
| | | | · Genotype-environment interaction to the yield stability in wheat in Mexicali, B.C., México region Rodríguez-González, Rosario E.; Ponce-Medina, Juan F.; Rueda-Puente, Edgar O.; Avendaño-Reyes, Leonel; Paz Hernández, Juan J.; Santillano-Cazares, Jesús; Cruz-Villegas, Manuel
| | | | · Sustainability preliminary assessment of an agroecological propose in the Subtropical Central Highlands of Mexico Gutiérrez Cedillo, Jesús Gastón; Aguilera Gómez, Luis Isaac; González Esquivel, Carlos Ernesto; Juan Pérez, José Isabel
| | | | · Growth and survival of prawn (Macrobrachium tenellum) in experimental cultures during summer and autumn in the tropical Mexican Pacific coast Vega-Villasante, F.; Martinez-Lopez, E. A.; Espinosa-Chaurand, L. D.; Cortés-Lara, M. C.; Nolasco-Soria, H
| | | | · Impacts of climate change on rice agriculture in Nigeria Ajetomobi, Joshua; Abiodun, Ajiboye; Hassan, Rashid
| | | | · Tocopherol supplementation on stocking density of broiler: effect on performance characteristics and serum enzymes Adebiyi, O.A
| | | | · Landscapes and fragile economy: ecosystems and agroecosystems in the Coatepec-La Antigua Basin, Veracruz Mexico Ángel-Pérez, A. L. Del; Díaz-Padilla, G.; Guajardo-Panez, R.; Linares- Bravo, B. C
| | | | · Influence of restricted female-lamb contact in length of postpartum anestrous in Pelibuey sheep Arroyo, J.; Camacho-Escobar, M. A.; Ávila-Serrano, N.Y.; Hoffman, J. A
| | | | · Isolation and pathogenicity of a possible Pythium aphanidermatum in Jatropha Curcas L. non toxic Valdés Rodríguez, Ofelia Andrea; García Espinoza, Roberto; Sánchez Sánchez, Odilón; Pérez Vazquez, Arturo
| | | | · Effect of genotype and diet on rectal digestibility of nutrients and faecal output in cuban creole pigs Ly, Julio; Grageola, Fernando; Batista, Radelis; Lemus, Clemente; Macías, Manuel; Delgado, Enrique; Santana, Isabel; Díaz, Consuelo
| | | | · Comparison of models for the estimation of variance components for growth traits of registered limousin cattle Ríos-Utrera, Ángel; Vega-Murillo, Vicente Eliezer; Martínez-Velázquez, Guillermo; Montaño-Bermúdez, Moisés
| | | | · Behavior of beef tomato hybrids in greenhouse under desertic conditions in the northwest of Sonora Grijalva Contreras, Raúl Leonel; Macías Duarte, Rubén; Robles Contreras, Fabián
| | | | · Chemical composition, in situ and in vitro degradation of Kochia scoparia in relation to date of sowing and age of cut Romero-Bernal, José; González-Ronquillo, Manuel; Franco, José Ramón; Casado, Cristina
| | | | · Competitiveness and profitability of beef cattle feedlot in the south of the State of Mexico Rebollar-Rebollar, A.; Hernández-Martínez, J.; Rebollar-Rebollar, S.; Guzmán-Soria, E.; García-Martínez, A.; González-Razo, F.J
| | | | · Oxidizable organic carbon fractions and soil aggregation in areas under different organic production systems in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Loss, Arcângelo; Pereira, Marcos Gervasio; Anjos, Lucia Helena Cunha dos; Ferreira, Edilene Pereira; Beutler, Sidinei Julio; Silva, Eliane Maria Ribeiro da
| | | | · Implication for in situ conservation of indigenous species with special reference to wild Coffea arabica L. population in mount Marsabit forest, Kenya Githae, Eunice W.; Gachene, Charles K. K.; Odee, David W
| | | | · Nutritional and antinutritional evaluation of wild yam (Dioscorea spp.) Shajeela, P.S.; Mohan, V. R.; Louis Jesudas, L.; Tresina Soris, P
| | | | · Integrated management of parasitic plant Striga hermonthica in maize using Fusarium oxysporum (mycoherbicide) and post-emergence herbicides in the Nigerian savanna Magani, E.I.; Ibrahim, A.; Ahom, R. I
| | | | · Identification, uses and measurement of fodders legumes trees in south farmers of the State of Mexico Olivares-Pérez, J.; Avilés-Nova, F.; Albarrán-Portillo, B.; Rojas-Hernández, S.; Castelán-Ortega, O. A
| | | | · Drought resistance of tropical dry black bean lines and cultivars López-Salinas, Ernesto; Tosquy-Valle, Oscar H.; Acosta-Gallegos, Jorge A.; Villar-Sánchez, Bernardo; Ugalde-Acosta, Francisco J
| | | Short notes | | | | · Postpartum ovarian activity resumption and plasma concentration of lipid metabolites and progesterone in cows supplemented with bypass fat Salas-Razo, G.; Herrera-Camacho, J.; Gutiérrez-Vázquez, E.; Ku-Vera, J.C.; Aké-López, J.R
| | | | · Technical and economic optimum in feedlot cattle Rebollar-Rebollar, S.; Posadas-Domínguez, R. R; Hernández-Martínez, J.; Rojo-Rubio, R.; González-Razo, F. J.; Guzmán-Soria, E
| | | | · Clinical incidence and frequency of lesions compatible with porcine circovirus type 2 associated disease (PCVAD) in pigs of a farm in the State of Yucatan, Mexico Cordero, Leonardo Guillermo; Torres León, Marco; Rodríguez Buenfil, Jorge C.; Colín Flores, Rafael; Miranda Soberanis, Raquel; Quintal Parra, Mónica
| | | | · Chemical analysis and nutritional assessment of two less known pulses of genus Vigna Tresina Soris, Pious; Mohan, Veerabahu Ramasamy
| | | | · Chemical composition and in vitro gas production of some legume browse species in subtropical areas of Mexico Garcia-Montes de Oca, C. A.; Gonzalez-Ronquillo, M.; Salem, A. Z. M.; Romero-Bernal, J.; Pedraza, J. F.; Estrada, J. G
| | | | · Non-deliberate organic input in relation to land use in a semi-arid agro-ecosystem in northern Zimbabwe Matangi, Dorcas; Gumbi, Angella; Nzuma, Tendai; Ndagurwa, Hilton G. T
| | | Forum | | | | · Effect of the tariffs in the competitiveness of the mexican pork industry Gómez-Tenorio, G.; Rebollar-Rebollar, S.; Hernández-Martínez, J.; Guzmán-Soria, E
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