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Journal of applied research and technology
versión On-line ISSN 2448-6736versión impresa ISSN 1665-6423


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J. appl. res. technol vol.21 no.5 Ciudad de México oct. 2023

 ·  Comparative study of PID, PD-FLC and PID-FLC for active magnetic bearing
Gupta, S.; Biswas, P. K.

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 ·  Eddy currents assessment of rail cracks using artificial neural networks in a laboratory setup
Gutiérrez, M.; Fava, J.; Vorobioff, J.; Checozzi, F.; Ruch, M.; Fiore, T. Di

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 ·  Optimization of egg yolk protein hydrolysis by RSM and properties of hydrolysates
Rios Morales, S. N.; Brito de la Fuente, E.; Aguilar Uscanga, M. G.; Torrestiana Sánchez, B.

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 ·  Modeling the effect of temperature on ethanol fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae CSI-1 by genetic programming
Nolasco-Hipólito, Cirilo; Carvajal-Zarrabal, Octavio; Carrillo-Ahumada, Jesús; Morales-Mora, Miguel Ángel; Yie-Hua, Tan; Hernández-Sánchez, Fabiola; García-Muñoz, Miguel Ángel; Abdullah, Mohammad Omar

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 ·  Deep Learning Based Leaf Disease Classification
Kokate, J. K.; Kumar, Sunil; Kulkarni, Anant G.

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 ·  An intelligent model for improving risk assessment in sterilization units using revised FMEA, fuzzy inference, k-Nearest Neighbors and support vector machine
En-Naaoui, Amine; Gallab, Maryam; Kaicer, Mohammed

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 ·  Preliminary design of a compact superconducting solenoid, for material science applications
Chavez, D.; Huamani, Y.; Napsuciale, M.; Hernandez Chahin, K.; Juarez-Hernandez, M.; Cordova-Fraga, T.; Gomez-Solis, C.

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 ·  Application of porous geopolymer composite 1 based on metakaolin and activated 2 carbon for removal of Hg2+ from aqueous solution
Roa, K.; Trejo, F.; Castro, H.

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 ·  Curcumin dye adsorption in aqueous solution by carbon-based date palm seed: Preparation, characterization, and isotherm adsorption
Nandiyanto, A.B.D.; Ragadhita, R.; Fiandini, M.; Maryanti, R.

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 ·  A methodology for selecting optimal knowledge acquisition through analytic hierarchy process and environment parameters impact
Dinardo, M.; Murino, T.; Adegbola, K.

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 ·  Effect of hydrothermal aging behavior on surface treated Kevlar fiber laminated composites
Mahadevan, G.; Ramasamy, N.; Jayaseelan, V.; Mohamed Bak, K.

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 ·  Absorber layer thickness as a new feature in statistical learning tools of Perovskite solar cells
Vélez, J.; Sepúlveda, F.; Botero, M.; Otalora, C.; Camacho, C.

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 ·  Performance enhancements and modeling of photovoltaic panel configurations during partial shading conditions
Iysaouy, Lahcen El; Lahbabi, Mhammed; Oumnad, Abdelmajid; Azeroual, Mohamed; Boujoudar, Younes; Imanni, Hajar Saad El; Aljarbouh, Ayman; Fayaz, Muhammad

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 ·  Numerical overcurrent power relay enhancement based on integrated discrete wavelet transform
Awada, E.

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 ·  Analysis and prediction of New York City taxi and Uber demands
Correa, D.; Moyano, C.

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