| Table of contents Biotecnia vol.25 n.2 Hermosillo May./Aug. 2023 Articles | | | | · Bagasse and compost of tequila agave bagasse in contrasting soils: 2. Dynamics of carbon and nitrogen mineralization Acosta Sotelo, Laura Liliana; Zamora Natera, Juan Francisco; Rodríguez Macías, Ramón; Jiménez Plascencia, Cecilia; Gallardo Lancho, Juan Fernando; Salcedo Pérez, Eduardo
| | | | · Physicochemical properties and in vitro digestibility of resistant starches obtained by autoclaving and lintnerization from native corn, apple and malanga starches Aguilar-Mendoza, Viridiana; Zamudio-Flores, Paul Baruk; Molina-Corral, Francisco Javier; Olivas-Orozco, Guadalupe Isela; Vela-Gutierrez, Gilber; Hernandez-Gonzalez, Maria; Lopez-De la Peña, Haydee Yajaira; Ortega-Ortega, Adalberto; Salgado-Delgado, Rene; Espinosa-Solis, Vicente
| | | | · Effect of processing conditions on the functional properties of aquafaba from natural chickpeas: valorization of a food waste Thomas-Meda, Angelica; Vela-Gutiérrez, Gilber; Tavano, Olga Luisa; Tacias-Pascacio, Veymar G.
| | | | · Effect of the addition of oat resistant starch type 3 on the viscoelastic properties of the dough and its influence on the quality of cookies Monter-Miranda, José Gabriel; Zamudio-Flores, Paul Baruk; Espino-Díaz, Miguel; Tirado-Gallegos, Juan Manuel; Rendón-Villalobos, J Rodolfo; Hernández-Centeno, Francisco; Hernández-González, María; Lopez-De la Peña, Haydee Yajaira; Vela-Gutiérrez, Gilber; Salgado-Delgado, René; Ortega-Ortega, Adalberto
| | | | · Nutritional composition in grains of triticales (X. Triticosecale Wittmack) and food uses García Ramírez, Alejandro; Rodríguez Pérez, Gilberto; Reynaga Franco, Felipe de Jesús; Cervantes Ortiz, Francisco
| | | | · Fragmented rice hulls as a component of the growth medium of basil seedlings Cruz-Crespo, E.; Can-Chulim, A.; Chan-Cupul, W.; Luna-Esquivel, G.; Rojas-Velázquez, A.N.; Macilla-Villa, O.R.
| | | | · Physicochemical characterization of residual potato ( Solanum tuberosum) starch recovered from the potato chips industry in Mexico Montoya-Anaya, Diana G.; Madera-Santana, Tomas J.; Aguirre-Mancilla, Cesar L.; Grijalva-Verdugo, Claudia; Gonzales-Garcia, Gerardo; Nuñez-Colín, Carlos A.; Rodriguez-Nuñez, Jesus R.
| | | Review articles | | | | · Enterobacteriaceae in Pork Meat: Causal Agents of Public Health Problems Paz-González, Alma D.; Vázquez, Karina; Martínez-Vázquez, Ana V.; Ramírez-Martínez, Carlos; Rivera, Gildardo
| | | | · Mechanisms associated with endosperm modification in quality protein maize Gonzalez-Nuñez, David Guillermo; Pineda-Hidalgo, Karen Virginia; Salazar-Salas, Nancy Yareli; Lopez-Valenzuela, Jose Angel
| | | Articles | | | | · Bagasse and compost of tequila agave bagasse in contrasting soils: 1. Degradation dynamics Acosta Sotelo, Laura Liliana; Zamora Natera, Juan Francisco; Rodríguez Macías, Ramón; González Eguiarte, Diego Raymundo; Gallardo Lancho, Juan Fernando; Salcedo Pérez, Eduardo
| | | | · Yield and chemical composition of Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania in a silvopastoral system in Chiapas Pérez-Luna, Esaú de Jesús; Ruíz-Sesma, Benigno; Sánchez-Roque, Yazmin; Canseco-Pérez, Miguel Ángel; Pérez-Luna, Yolanda del Carmen
| | | | · Staphylococcus aureus inactivation and maintenance of macronutrients of human milk by high hydrostatic pressure and spray-drying process Aguilar-Uscanga, Blanca Rosa; Calderon-Santoyo, Montserrat; Iñiguez-Moreno, Maricarmen; Solis-Pacheco, Josue Raymundo; Fonseca-Cantabran, Angel; Ragazzo-Sanchez, Juan Arturo
| | | | · Bioregulators induction changes in size, color and cuticle of table grapes berries González-García, L.C.; Sánchez-Estrada, A.; Mercado-Ruiz, J.N.; Báez-Sañudo, R.; González-León, A.
| | | | · Evaluation of the native vegetation diversity and characterization of goat farming in a locality of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve Manzano-Duran, Joseph; García-Feria, Luis M.; Mandujano-Rodríguez, Salvador
| | | Review articles | | | | · Chemical modifications of galactomannans: synthesis and structure-function analysis Gómez-Rodríguez, Gabriel Humberto; Lizardi-Mendoza, Jaime; Argüelles-Monal, Waldo; Álvarez-Bajo, Osiris; López-Franco, Yolanda Leticia
| | | Articles | | | | · Effect of ion and protein concentration of Ps19, a shell protein from Pteria sterna, on calcium carbonate polymorph Arroyo-Loranca, Raquel Gabriela; Rivera-Perez, Crisalejandra; Hernandez-Adame, Luis; Cruz Villacorta, Ariel Arturo; Rodriguez-Lopez, Jose Luis; Hernandez-Saavedra, Norma Yolanda
| | | | · A simple solution method to prepare VO2:Co2+ precursors for thin film deposition by solution-processing method Hernandez-Guzman, F.; Suarez-Camposa, G.; Cabrera-German, D.; Millan-Franco, M.A.; Hu, H.; Quevedo-Lopez, M.A.; Sotelo-Lerma, M.
| | | | · Antifungal activity of the essential oil and aqueous extract of oregano Lippia palmeri W. on Fusarium oxysporum and Thanatephorus sp. Valenzuela-Quintero, Genesis; Ortega-Nieblas, María Magdalena; Burboa-Zazueta, María Guadalupe; Gutiérrez-Millán, Luis Enrique; López-Córdova, Juan Pedro; Rentería-Martínez, María Eugenia; Jiménez-León, José; Curlango-Rivera, Gilberto; Guerrero-Ruíz, José Cosme
| | | | · Growth and yield of grafted watermelon in Meloidogyne incognita (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae) infested soil Basto-Pool, C.I.; Reyes-Oregel, V.; Herrera-Parra, E.; Tun-Suarez, J.M.; Cristóbal-Alejo, J.
| | | | · Inhibition of bacterial adherence to vascular catheters by the antimicrobial peptide AP7121 Lissarrague, Sabina; Schofs, Laureano; Bistoletti, Mariana; García Allende, Leonardo; Lallée, Andrea; Baldaccini, Beatriz; Sánchez Bruni, Sergio; Sparo, Mónica
| | | | · Guar seed yield in function of row spacing and plant density Reta-Sánchez, David Guadalupe; Sánchez-Duarte, Juan Isidro; Ochoa-Martínez, Esmeralda; Reyes-González, Arturo
| | | | · Dynamic stability of lower limbs and core stability in basketball players with and without hearing impairment Hincapié-Gallón, Olga Lucía; Tierradentro-Gómez, Lina Marcela; Bravo-Romero, Daniela; Córdoba-Peña, Nathalia
| | | | · Bibliometric analysis of scientific literature on the Bokashi organic fertilizer: alternative in sustainable agriculture González-Rodríguez, Gabriela; Preciado-Rangel, Pablo; Lizárraga-Bernal, Christian Guadalupe; Espinosa-Palomeque, Bernardo
| | | | · Morpho-cultural characterization and genetic and molecular variability of Trichoderma isolates Ynfante-Martínez, Danay; Martínez-Coca, Benedicto; Peteira-Delgado, Belkis; Reyes-Duque, Yusimy; Gil, Katia; Simpson, June; Herrera-Estrella, Alfredo
| | | | · Sensory, textural analysis and antioxidant activity of añejo Zacazonapan cheese during ripening Torres-Salas, Verenice; Hernández-Montes, Arturo; Hernández-Rodríguez, Blanca E.
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