| Table of contents REDIE vol.26 Ensenada 2024 Articles | | | | · Rethinking Educational Management of Schools in a Mapuche Context Torres Cuevas, Héctor; Quilaqueo Rapimán, Daniel; Baronnet, Bruno; Muñoz Troncoso, Gerardo
| | | | · Adolescent Reading Profiles: On-Paper Versus Digital Santos Díaz, Inmaculada Clotilde; Romero Oliva, Manuel Francisco; Heredia Ponce, Hugo; Trigo Ibáñez, Esther
| | | | · Gamifying History Teaching: Student Perceptions Martínez-Hita, María; Miralles-Martínez, Pedro; Gómez Carrasco, Cosme Jesús
| | | | · Peer Effects: Ethnic Minorities and Performance in the Last Year of High School in Ecuador Meneses, Karla; Vergara Sobarzo, Lucía Andrea; Chamorro Enríquez, Paola Denisse
| | | | · Application of Web 2.0 to Reduce Failure in English Pineda Castillo, Kristian Armando; Jerónimo Yedra, Rubén
| | | | · Multidimensional Scale to Assess Digital Security in Adolescents Peraza-Balderrama, José Néstor; Valdés-Cuervo, Ángel Alberto; Parra-Pérez, Lizeth Guadalupe; Urías-Murrieta, Maricela
| | | | · Job Satisfaction of Teaching Professionals in Spain Rodríguez-Esteban, Agustín; Ferreira, Camino
| | | | · Analysis of a Digital Game-Based Learning Experience Amaya-Olarte, Nathaly; Torres-Barreto, Martha Liliana; Plata-Gómez, Karen Rocío
| | | | · Learning to Learn in Spanish Universities: A Transversal Competence? Moctezuma-Ramírez, Evelyn Eunise; García-García, Fran J.; Pérez-Pérez, Cruz; Escalante Ferrer, Ana Esther; Yurén, Teresa
| | | | · Education in and for Democracy in Spain: Teacher Testimonies Rico Gómez, María Luisa; Ponce Gea, Ana Isabel
| | | | · Supervision of Scientific Integrity by Postgraduate Academics Hirsch Adler, Ana; Izarra Vielma, Douglas A.
| | | | · External Practicum Tutoring in Initial Teacher Training for Social Change García-Lázaro, Irene; Conde-Jiménez, Jesús; Colás-Bravo, Pilar
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