Articles |
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| · Teaching Practice and Metacognition in High School to Promote Learning in Mathematics Cázares Balderas, Milagros de Jesús; Páez, David Alfonso
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| · Core Practices in Early Childhood Education: Towards a Theoretical and Methodological Proposal López Jiménez, Tatiana
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| · Educational Communities’ Perceptions of the Stimulation of 21st-Century Skills Salamanca Garay, Ignacio Javier; Badilla Quintana, María Graciela
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| · Influence of Rubrics on the Quality of Feedback on Teacher Performance in the Classroom Aravena Kenigs, Omar Andrés; Mellado Hernández, María Elena; Montero Fernández, Manuel
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| · Informal Education and Digital Environments Among Youth from Indigenous Communities Ramos Mancilla, Óscar; Flores-Fuentes, Gloria
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| · Peer Support and Outcome Expectations in STEM: Development and Validation of an Instrument Magaña Medina, Deneb Elí; Hernández-Mena, Verónica; Aguilar Morales, Norma; Sánchez Escobedo, Pedro Antonio
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| · Development of Metacognitive Skills through Digital Narratives in Higher Education Lavrysh, Yuliana; Leshchenko, Mariya; Tymchuk, Larysa
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| · Self-Perception of Educational Management Leadership Practices in Culturally Diverse Territories Maquera-Maquera, Yanet Amanda; Bermejo-Gonzáles, Luz Yohana; Bermejo-Paredes, Saúl
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| · Progression of Historical Thinking in Secondary School Students: Sources and Critical Thinking Rivero Gracia, Pilar; Aso Morán, Borja; García-Ceballos, Silvia
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| · Model for Adaptability of Students in Transition to University López-Aguilar, David; Álvarez-Pérez, Pedro Ricardo; González-Benítez, Nicole
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| · The Concept of Teacher Digital Competence: A Literature Review Verdú-Pina, María; Lázaro-Cantabrana, José Luis; Grimalt-Álvaro, Carme; Usart, Mireia
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| · Analytical Framework for Emergency Remote Education in Universities During Lockdown Pérez-López, Eva; Alzás, Teresa
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| · Predictive Model to Identify College Students with High Dropout Rates Hoyos Osorio, Jhoan Keider; Daza Santacoloma, Genaro
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| · Autobiographies and Career Choices of Natural Science Teachers Luzuriaga, Mariana; Podestá, María Eugenia; Furman, Melina
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| · Strategies for Solving Multiplicative Structure Problems with Natural Numbers and Fractions Zorrilla, Cristina; Ivars, Pedro; Fernández, Ceneida
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| · Effects of School Supervision on Quality in Primary and Lower Secondary Level Pérez Campuzano, María Elena
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| · Variables Affecting Repetition in Compulsory Education in Spain López Fernández, Laura; González-Rodríguez, Diego; Vieira, María-José
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| · Explanatory Factors of University Dropout Explored Through Artificial Intelligence Parra Sánchez, Juan-Sebastián; Torres Pardo, Ingrid Durley; Martínez de Merino, Carmen Ysabel
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| · Technological Dimensions in Tasks in Mathematics Textbooks Hernández Sánchez, Judith Alejandra; Padilla Márquez, Cinthya Adriana Elizabeth; Briceño Solís, Eduardo Carlos
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| · Transformation of Multilingual Practices: Contradictions Between Thought and Action. A Case Study Tresserras, Eva; Palou Sangrà, Juli
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| · Mathematical Education of Engineers from a Mathematics Education Approach: State of the Art Torres-Corrales, Diana del Carmen; Hinojos-Ramos, Jesús Eduardo
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| · Design and Evaluation of Basic Generic Skills for University and Business Crespí, Paula; García-Ramos, José Manuel
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| · Psychological Factors Associated with Persistence in Beneficiaries of the Effective Support and Access to Higher Education Program Morales Navarro, Mario; Guzmán Utreras, Eduardo; Baeza Ugarte, Carmen Gloria; Lizama Vidal, Constanza
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| · The Impact of COVID-19 on Doctoral Students in Education Gómez del Pulgar Cinque, Sandra; Camas Garrido, Laura; Mendoza Carretero, María del Rosario; Pattier, Daniel
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| · Socioeconomic Factors that Influence EXANI-II Results Araiza Lozano, Miguel Angel; Torre Gutiérrez, Héctor de la; Valdivia Velasco, Magali
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| · The CONAFE Education Model from the Perspective of Community Educational Leaders Zavala Berbena, María Alicia; Rivera Sepúlveda, Álvaro Andrés
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| · “If I were young…”: Increased Dropout Risk of Older University Students Casanova, Joana R.; Assis Gomes, Cristiano; Almeida, Leandro S.; Tuero, Ellián; Bernardo, Ana B.
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| · Game as a Learning Tool in Higher Education Ormazábal Valladares, Valeska; Hernández Montes, Lilian; Zúñiga Arbalti, Felipe
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| · Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning and Teachers’ Digital Competence Seabra, Filipa; Aires, Luísa; Abelha, Marta; Teixeira, Antonio
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