Doctrinal articles |
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| · The protective nature of the provisional measures in the colombian Special Peace Jurisdiction Acosta-Alvarado, Paola Andrea
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| · Intrafederal Law and the New Standards on Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in the Argentine Federalism. An Analysis after 25 years of the National Constitutional Reform (1994-2019) Altavilla, Cristian
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| · The Era of Duties: the Need for a Complete Statute of the Human Person for the Social Effectiveness of Rights Lyra, José Francisco Dias da Costa; Preis, Marco Antônio; Siqueira, Julio Homem de; Fabriz, Daury Cesar
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| · The moving boundary between constitutionality and legality within the “amparo directo en revisión” Lara Chagoyán, Roberto
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| · Towards a systematization of the semantic uses of the concept of human dignity in the international protection of human rights: a doctrinal review Lafferriere, Jorge Nicolás; Lell, Helga
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| · Limits to patrimonial liability for moral damage León Oyosa, Oscar Antonio
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| · Forget Before Internet: the Origins of the Right to be Forgotten Moreno Bobadilla, Ángela
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| · The right of identity for transgender people in procedures for correcting civil registry records. A proposal for a structural sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation Orozco Pulido, Jesús Manuel
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| · Legal argumentation of the rulings of the rulings of the constitutional courts as a means to achieve the constitutionalization of the jurisdictional process (An approach to the tutela action in Colombia) Pabón Giraldo, Liliana Damaris; Toro Garzón, Luis Orlando; Zuluaga Jaramillo, Andrés Felipe
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| · The rules of ius cogens as an imperative in transitional justice processes: a study relating to Colombia’s Special Jurisdiction for Peace Tribunal Palacios Valencia, Yennesit
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| · Ponderation and criticism on the binding effectiveness of the determinants Pansieri, Flávio; Luz, Otávio Augusto Baptista da
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| · Participatory democracy, a response to the crisis of representative democracry Rabasa Gamboa, Emilio
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| · Judicial precedent in Mexico. Constitutional basis and basic problems Sánchez Gil, Rubén
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| · Judicial amparo and the judicial reform in Mexico (1987-2018) Suárez Ávila, Alberto Abad
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Jurisprudence comments |
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| · Child marriage and age dispensation González Alcántara, Juan Luis
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| · Marielle Franco Case - Tension between the secret of justice and press freedom (proposal for socio-legal dialogue between constitutional principles) Souza, Artur César
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| · The Supreme Federal Court of Brazil and the case of the lands occupied by the kilombolan remanescents. Case study from the direct action of unconstitutionality n. 3.239-DF Mendes, Frederico Ribeiro de Freitas; Castro, Matheus Felipe de
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Legislative comments |
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| · The lack of guarantee of sexual rights in Colombia: a matter of normative inefficiency? Alzate Jaramillo, Alirio Jesús; Mojica Araque, Carlos Alberto
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Book reviews |
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| · García Roca, Javier, La transformación constitucional del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos Krzywoń, Adam
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| · Santos Loyola, R., Carlos, Estado y religión. Comentarios a la Ley de Libertad Religiosa Saldaña Serrano, Javier
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| · Flores Caldas, Edgar C., Libertad religiosa y enseñanza de la religión católica en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano y en el acuerdo con la Santa Sede de 1980 Chávez Hernández, Efrén
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